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Aug 30, 2010 03:16

Who: Naruto couragetodare & Minato yellowkamikaze (possibly Kushina dattebamato later?)
When: August 29th
Where: The ruins.
Format: Paragraph.
What: Pfffft. So. Naruto thinks he can rescue Zack. Turns out he's the one who needs rescuing.
Warnings: Beaten up dire wolves? Angry!Daddy!Hokage? ANGST?

Where's the cooling wind. Where's the evergreen field. Where's my mother's open arms. Where's my father's lionheart. )

minato namikaze, naruto uzumaki, kushina uzumaki

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Comments 11

yellowkamikaze August 30 2010, 02:59:23 UTC
Minato didn't have to see much of the post that Naruto's Forge had left on the network to know that his son was in trouble. He'd been keeping a lookout on the young boy and Sakura for awhile, but even Minato couldn't keep track of Konoha's most unpredictable ninja ( ... )


couragetodare August 30 2010, 19:46:57 UTC
The commotion outside had Naruto freeze. Heart, breath, mind, all perfectly still, as though this stillness could render him completely invisible. He curled, balling up at the upheaval beyond his hideaway, the masonry between him and the outside world not nearly enough to dim the ruckus - a cut off wolf's cry, maybe the sound of something (someone?) hitting the damp earth, he could feel the vibrations beneath him, through him and awareness followed.

Something was happening. Something was happening outside. Something Bad.

He had to get Zack. He had to move and get out and get Zack and save him because Zack was nice and only five.

Don't look don't look don't look. The rock was a lifeline and so small fingers dug into the stone, treating it as such. A weapon, the only one he had. Don't look. He balled up tighter until he had his face buried in his knees, as though protecting himself from falling debris in a bomb shelter, as though he might make himself small enough to disappear through sheer focused will. Don't look don't look ( ... )


yellowkamikaze August 30 2010, 21:30:36 UTC
No answer, but he could hear some shuffling. Something was still in there, so Minato decided to operate under the assumption that it was his son ( ... )


couragetodare August 31 2010, 00:25:15 UTC
The silence was a lie. Ridiculously when the commotion outside resumed - turning up a notch, or maybe even several - Naruto clutched his rock tighter and curled his arms over his head, so that they pressed in part against his ears which blocked out the worst of it. I can't hear you I can't hear you I can't I can't.He was irrationally, thoughtlessly angry, in the way that only a child could be. If only because there had been a moment or two in that false lull where he had thought (hoped) that maybe it was over and maybe the beasts were going to give up and leave and that maybe he could move from his sanctuary, crawl out and find Zack. But no, the silence was a lie and outside there were snarls and scuffles and thumps and the sound of claws on earth and stone and Naruto wasn't listening. He wasn't. He couldn't hear any of it, not at all, in fact he wasn't even there, in fact he should have been turning around and trying to- maybe he could move out and ( ... )


yellowkamikaze August 31 2010, 01:21:25 UTC
The voice caught Minato off-guard. He'd almost decided that whatever was in the hole wasn't his son. When he heard it, he furrowed his brow and tried to peer into the darkness. The child was scared, that much he could tell from his voice ( ... )


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