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Aug 30, 2010 03:16

Who: Naruto couragetodare & Minato yellowkamikaze (possibly Kushina dattebamato later?)
When: August 29th
Where: The ruins.
Format: Paragraph.
What: Pfffft. So. Naruto thinks he can rescue Zack. Turns out he's the one who needs rescuing.
Warnings: Beaten up dire wolves? Angry!Daddy!Hokage? ANGST?

Where's the cooling wind. Where's the evergreen field. Where's my mother's open arms. Where's my father's lionheart. )

minato namikaze, naruto uzumaki, kushina uzumaki

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yellowkamikaze August 30 2010, 21:30:36 UTC
No answer, but he could hear some shuffling. Something was still in there, so Minato decided to operate under the assumption that it was his son.

The wolf to his right charged him first. Minato twisted his body to dodge it as it launched itself through the air towards him. Just as it flew past the blond, Minato struck it in the ribs roughly. There was a yelp of pain from the creature as it landed and rolled across the ground.

Minato had no time to rest as he could hear the tell-tale sound of the other wolf rushing up behind him. He sent a small bit of chakra to his legs to aid in a backflip that had him sailing over his attacker. He landed and jammed his kunai into the beast's back, severing its spinal cord about halfway up its body. Before Minato could finish it off, the other one recovered and tackled him from the side.

The Yondaime found himself underneath the wolf as it snarled and snapped at him viciously. Saliva dripped from its mouth, reminding Minato how dangerous the situation was. He wracked his brain for a quick solution, the whole time the picture of his son scared and alone somewhere, possibly being attacked again.

Gritting his teeth, Minato clutched the wolf's throat, keeping its face as far from him as possible. With reflexes true to his nickname, Minato reached out with his free hand and marked the ground at their side. The wolf seemed confused as Minato disappeared out from under him before he hooked a leg over it's back and held the creature down. There was a sickening crunch as Minato twisted its head and snapped its neck.

Breathing a little harder than usual, the Yondaime stood up and rushed over to the other wolf as it crawled with his forelegs towards the hole where its prey had been. Jerking the kunai out of its back, Minato rolled, and in one swift motion, slashed out and slit the creature's throat. It collapsed and gurgled painfully as the life drained from it.

"Naruto!" Minato called out once more, this time a bit more panicked than his usual self would allow. That large wolf was still out there, but he couldn't see it anywhere. Glancing back and forth, the Yondaime rushed towards the hole. "Naruto? It's... well, are you in there?"


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