
Aug 09, 2010 16:23

Who: Zack Fair i_love_squats, OPEN
When: Today or tomorrow.
Where: Zack and Angeal’s home.
Format: Paragraph or action, whichever you want. Feel free to hop in an already established thread or start a new one for new guests who want to arrive at a different time. Either or. :D
What: For anyone who wants to come and visit Zack and make sure he doesn’t escape ( Read more... )

naoto fuyumine, yachiru kusajishi, cloud strife, angeal hewley, itachi uchiha, jason todd, zack fair

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Comments 78

valdecet August 9 2010, 22:05:43 UTC
[ The plates made little noise in the silence of the kitchen as he set them down in the wooden tray on the counter, clinking softly as the steaming mug of tea joined them. Angeal hadn't wanted to leave Zack's side, for more reasons than simply wanting to prevent his student from making off while injured. Physical wounds would heal over time, but it was Zack's state of mind that he was concerned about. Angeal knew, with the unerring instinct of a mentor, that his student was more than consumed with guilt. Zack, with his desire to be a hero, his confidence that things would turn out the right way in the end ( ... )


i_love_squats August 9 2010, 22:30:07 UTC
[Shiva, too slow. He was half way to swinging his feet out of bed when he heard the door open, and like a puppy caught in the cookie jar, he froze and looked back at the door. Oops? Forgive him, for he knows not what he does.]

Stretching is all. Getting awful cramps sitting in this bed.

[Which wasn't exactly untrue. His back was killing him from more than his injuries, and his neck cracked something awful when he turned it in certain angles. To illustrate his point, Zack raised his arms over his head, wincing as the gunfire pops sounded while his vertebrae slid back into their proper alignment. A tired smile crossed his lips, his eyes flickering from the tea to Angeal and lingering there. He didn't deserve this good treatment, just as he didn't deserve Angeal's worry.]

How's the outside world? Am I missing anything?

[Which was SOLDIER for "Is that asshole still out there? Has he done anything else?"]


valdecet August 9 2010, 23:34:49 UTC
Stretching, huh.

[ Angeal knew Zack well, but this little excuse didn't require any great feats of insight to spot. He shook his head and entered, making his way to the bed and setting the tray down onto the bedspread carefully. Then again (and judging by the sound of those cracks in Zack's spine) it did make sense for the kid to be having cramps from staying so long in bed-- especially someone as normally restless as Zack.

Understanding what his student was asking him, noticing the tired smile with a twitch of his brows, Angeal sat down next to him with a small sigh. ]

The outside world is pretty much the same, and no, you're not missing anything. [ Which was Angealish for "You're going to stay right where you are, mister, until I give the go-ahead." ] Want me to do something for those cramps?


i_love_squats August 9 2010, 23:56:59 UTC
[Zack wasn't surprised that Angeal could see right through him; it was sort of a mentor's duty, wasn't it? And frankly, the only person who knew him as well as Angeal did was Cloud, and he shared that same uncanny gift. Maybe Zack was becoming too predictable? Maybe he was transparent? Maybe he needed to change things up a bit, keep them on their toes?

[Maybe tomorrow, though. Today just wasn't the day for it.

[There was a minor sulk at the Angeal-ese, complete with a nod and sway of his hair. The same. And he was grounded. His eyes flickered to the sword in the corner before he blinked and looked up at Angeal.]

Probably won't let me get up and do exercises, huh? [He smiled, before his shoulders rolled in a shrug, which created a new symphony of cracks.] Do you have a hot pack?


jaytodd August 10 2010, 17:28:59 UTC
[a knock at the door - guess who! Notice on the fact he used the door, not the window (he could have). After all, Zack had said his door was open, and Jason so far had seen or heard nothing to contradict the status of Good Guy Zack had in his book. Plus he wanted to know more about that grey haired bastard, and they were hoping for company.
His coming there had nothing to do with his inability to not be in sight of someone known for more than a few hours. He hated being so weak.]


i_love_squats August 10 2010, 18:19:08 UTC
[The door should be unlocked, he hoped, he hoped. There was a momentary worry of "what if it's not" (the idea that it could have been Yazoo never even struck him; guys like that never used doors, never knocked, just blew a whole in the wall and marched on in), so he started to climb to his feet with a groan and a wince. Shit, he still hurt. He was healing fast, sure, all SOLDIER did, but until then...well, he had been blown up. That kinda spoke for itself. ]

Come in!

[Even though he was going to try to meet him half way, at least. Unless Jason waited for him, but that would take a few minutes. Hurt men move slow, though he tried to play it off like his leg was asleep (if only!) rather than his soreness and pain.]


[voice] jaytodd August 10 2010, 19:03:17 UTC
[Jason opens the door - it wasn't locked. He could see Zack already - he rose an eyebrow as he clicked the door closed behind him.]

You look like shit.

[not that Jason looked much better, but at least he could stand on his own two legs without looking like he was about to keel over.]

The usual course of action in that case is to stay still somewhere, but that doesn't sounds like your style.


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 01:27:26 UTC
[Well, that was one way to put it, wasn't it? Zack made a face, his nose wrinkling, but he had a feeling that Jason wasn't just talking about how he looked physically. Idly, he wondered how much guilt showed on his face, and if his new visitor could read it. Probably. Crap.]

Can't say that you look like the posterchild for the Great Midgar Dream yourself.

[But he smiled, something he hoped would soften his words. He started to hobble back towards bed; if he stayed up too long, he'd have an angry mentor on his behind. And hadn't Angeal done enough look after him already? Zack didn't dare to tack on more stress to the poor guy than he already had.]

Nah, not really. And the four walls aren't mine, either. So, how are you?


inpiecesofcloud August 10 2010, 20:18:52 UTC
Yachiru ran down the streets at lightning speed - it was always funny to see the people turn their heads and try to watch her race by! - and only got turned around three or four times before she found the place where Zack-Zack was staying.

She knocked on his door at about the same moment that she reached for the doorknob, not really waiting for an answer before she bounced into the room. Well, he did say he wanted to see her!

"Zack-Zack! I came to visit you!"

Any somber tones that their Forge conversation may have had were all gone from her head, though she remembered everything he said with perfect clarity. She put on a great big smile and hopped up on the bed. She landed lightly and, though perhaps she did seem so, she was very careful not to land on him in case he was hurt worse than he said.


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 02:01:57 UTC
Zack was surprised by the sheer amount of visitors; really, he hadn't thought it was that big of a deal in the first place. But here they came, and he felt humbled, thankful, and flattered in the same go. He was lucky to have friends, good friends, solid friends like these, and he thanked Shiva every chance he had. Still, when he finally had a moment where he could sleep, could drift away, and everyone was gone for the time being, the electric blue eyes closed as he sunk down into the pillow and sheets. Just forty winks. Thirty. Thirty, and he'd be fin ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 11 2010, 06:40:08 UTC
She scooted up close to him, pulling her sword off her wrist and laying it on the bed beside her.

"Are you doing okay, Zack-Zack?" Chipper as anything, she grinned up at him and looked him over for injuries. She had sharp eyes for wounds, but she didn't let on just how much she noticed.

"I brought lots of stuff for you!" Rummaging in her sleeve, she began to produce the things she had collected to cheer Zack-Zack up. She laid them out on the bed carefully, one at a time, as she named them.

"I brought you an apple and a bag of candy and some crayons." The apple was untouched, though the bag of candy appeared to have been gone through and some of its contents eaten. The crayons were clearly the same that she had been using for days. "Oh! And your drawing!"

This last she produced with some fanfare, drawing it out of her sleeve with a flourish of her little hand and a showman's smile.


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 18:25:20 UTC
“I’m good.” Which wasn’t true, but he was better. Kids had a wonderful way of making the SOLDIER smile, something down deep giving away for a few hours at least, like a glacier breaking apart. Though, he had to admit, he was wondering what it was with the pink hair lately; is it a new trend he was missing? Seems like everyone had it. Hmm. She might have to become “Pink Jr.”, what with Sakura already had the distinct honor of being simply “Pink ( ... )


prodigal_liar August 10 2010, 20:50:29 UTC

It had a way of weaseling in and complicating even the simplest of situations; case and point, a straightforward visit to drop off some soup.

On his way to Angeal's and Zack's place, Itachi'd had a lot of time to consider things, and he had finally come to a solid conclusion... had it not been for letting his guard down, Elena would not have been able to go chasing off after Yazoo on her own, and Zack would not have had to rescue her. They might even have been able to save the Native girl's life... maybe.

He felt wholly responsible for the mishap either way, and because of that, not visiting Zack while he was recovering was simply out of the question. That same sense of accountability was to blame for his deciding to stay longer, as well. Like a vicious beast, the guilt had hooked its claws into him, had forced him to resign himself to this awkward fate.

Paper bag in one arm, he knocked with his free hand on the door and pushed it open, dark eyes scanning the room for the allegedly incapacitated SOLDIER.



i_love_squats August 11 2010, 02:30:36 UTC
Another one? Zack had taken the moment to get out of bed and stretch out, trying to get the feeling back into his legs and back. Well, the good feeling, anyway, not the pins and needles or the wounded itching. SOLDIER uniform had been replaced with a prototype t-shirt for Red and Blue Odd Jobs and a pair of boxer shorts he often slept in, bare feet hot against the cool floor. He looked ready for bed, and in a way he was; bed was the only place he had been allowed for the last few days.

Besides, his SOLDIER clothes were going to need a really good tailor after that explosion.

Zack was attempting to do a squat (something that made his knees pop and his body hurt) when Itachi knocked and poked his head in. Tilting precariously to the side, a surprised Zack managed to catch himself and fall onto the bed, looking as though he was sitting on the edge the entire time. Good puppy wouldn't be straining himself, oh no. Not him. Never ( ... )


prodigal_liar August 11 2010, 04:01:47 UTC
Itachi nudged the door shut behind him with the heel of his shoe, then proceeded toward the edge of the bed, the paper bag containing soup and spoon held out for Zack to take.

"You're not fooling anyone," he began, not skipping a beat.

It was only after handing over the soup that he took the seat opposite Zack's bed, however, his back against the padding of the chair, dark eyes studying the ex-SOLDIER's bright blue. Angeal had said that Zack was transparent... and it was true. It was easy to see that the man across from him was troubled, not despite the cheerful front he put up, but because of it.

"I hope that you realize... you're being as reckless as Elena-san? Recuperation is not strictly physical. Your mind needs to rest, as well."


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 18:25:54 UTC
Soup. Yay. He felt like he was drowning in it lately, felt like he was having it for breakfastlunchdinner and everywhere in between. He dreamt he was drowning in it, swimming in lakes of the stuff, when he wasn’t having nightmares of the doomed gir-hmm. What he wouldn’t give for a big fluffy chocobo egg omelet with ham, cheese, peppers…side of toast, hashbrowns, and grav-

“Thanks.” He smiled as he took the soup, refusing, absolutely refusing to show that he wasn’t thrilled to have it. Contrary to popular belief, Zack exhibited manners at time, especially when someone had gone out of their way to bring him a present. And he was happy for it, for the symbolism; it showed Itachi cared, made an effort. He wondered how many other people could say that in relation to the wayward ninja ( ... )


[Open to Angeal too if he wants! :D] mirageof_deceit August 11 2010, 14:27:46 UTC
Cloud had suspected that the battle between Zack and Yazoo would end poorly, but he hadn't entirely thought about how poorly. It had apparently been bad enough that Angeal had to contact him to come and visit, perhaps even bang Zack on the head a few times as well. Obviously there wasn't enough between those ears to damage anymore...

Most people took the conventional route of knocking on the door, but he had been to Zack's place enough where doors no longer mattered to him. No, he instead went for a window, perching precariously on the ledge and simply forcing the window open before he stepped into the small apartment. He had enough sense to use materia to force attention off of him by magically opening the door.

"Sit," Cloud ordered as his feet settled on the floor, and he waved a hand so that a small blast of demi closed the door again. "I see the battle went as well as I thought it would. Maybe next time you can listen to me, Zackary." Yes, the full name meant he was in trouble.


:D i_love_squats August 11 2010, 18:26:23 UTC
Leave it to Cloud to be unconventional. At least it was inventive, something a little different than everyone else and their polite uses of the predictable door. Zack couldn’t help but give him credit… and totally see himself doing the same thing to the blonde in the tables were reversed. Good thing they weren’t.

Zack’s mouth screwed tight, his shoulders sagging, and he thought about barking that he wasn’t a puppy and he didn’t take commands like sit well, but Cloud was using his full name. It sparked age old feelings of when his mother would have the daily scolding. Zackary, did you break this window? Zackary, did you fall in the river and then track mud all over my house? Zackary, did you play in the chocobo pen again?

“I had to do something,” he muttered, falling back onto the bed, sitting for a moment before lying down. His knees popped angrily. “He had a little girl and Elena.” And, as emphasis, “I had to do somethingBut that “something” had been “failure”, and it was unacceptable. He muttered a “tch,” turning his head away. ( ... )


mirageof_deceit August 12 2010, 02:30:44 UTC
He cast his eyes around the room when it appeared that Zack was going to do as the man was told. Turning, he pushed the window closed again before fully entering the room to appraise the situation. He had the feeling that he wasn't the first to visit Zack, and he had his doubts that he would be the last either.

"I understand," he murmured softly before approaching where Zack was sitting. The Ultima Weapon hummed on his back, and he looked his friend up and down to assess the state of injuries. The fact that Zack reverted to laying down was evidence to how difficult things were. "Elena set herself up for that situation. It's not your fault about the little girl."

He stepped over to look down at Zack, raising an eyebrow. "People name others heroes, but the people themselves are too modest for the title... or too busy being one at the time. You did what you thought was right. You have limitations; Yazoo doesn't."


i_love_squats August 12 2010, 03:15:47 UTC
Zack's injuries were proudly there displayed, bruises and cuts with stitches, things he refused to have healed with Cure and other skills. He wanted them to scar. He wanted to remember. He didn't want the convenient couple-minute-fix, only wanted the pain and the penance ( ... )


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