
Aug 09, 2010 16:23

Who: Zack Fair i_love_squats, OPEN
When: Today or tomorrow.
Where: Zack and Angeal’s home.
Format: Paragraph or action, whichever you want. Feel free to hop in an already established thread or start a new one for new guests who want to arrive at a different time. Either or. :D
What: For anyone who wants to come and visit Zack and make sure he doesn’t escape ( Read more... )

naoto fuyumine, yachiru kusajishi, cloud strife, angeal hewley, itachi uchiha, jason todd, zack fair

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inpiecesofcloud August 10 2010, 20:18:52 UTC
Yachiru ran down the streets at lightning speed - it was always funny to see the people turn their heads and try to watch her race by! - and only got turned around three or four times before she found the place where Zack-Zack was staying.

She knocked on his door at about the same moment that she reached for the doorknob, not really waiting for an answer before she bounced into the room. Well, he did say he wanted to see her!

"Zack-Zack! I came to visit you!"

Any somber tones that their Forge conversation may have had were all gone from her head, though she remembered everything he said with perfect clarity. She put on a great big smile and hopped up on the bed. She landed lightly and, though perhaps she did seem so, she was very careful not to land on him in case he was hurt worse than he said.


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 02:01:57 UTC
Zack was surprised by the sheer amount of visitors; really, he hadn't thought it was that big of a deal in the first place. But here they came, and he felt humbled, thankful, and flattered in the same go. He was lucky to have friends, good friends, solid friends like these, and he thanked Shiva every chance he had. Still, when he finally had a moment where he could sleep, could drift away, and everyone was gone for the time being, the electric blue eyes closed as he sunk down into the pillow and sheets. Just forty winks. Thirty. Thirty, and he'd be fin ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 11 2010, 06:40:08 UTC
She scooted up close to him, pulling her sword off her wrist and laying it on the bed beside her.

"Are you doing okay, Zack-Zack?" Chipper as anything, she grinned up at him and looked him over for injuries. She had sharp eyes for wounds, but she didn't let on just how much she noticed.

"I brought lots of stuff for you!" Rummaging in her sleeve, she began to produce the things she had collected to cheer Zack-Zack up. She laid them out on the bed carefully, one at a time, as she named them.

"I brought you an apple and a bag of candy and some crayons." The apple was untouched, though the bag of candy appeared to have been gone through and some of its contents eaten. The crayons were clearly the same that she had been using for days. "Oh! And your drawing!"

This last she produced with some fanfare, drawing it out of her sleeve with a flourish of her little hand and a showman's smile.


i_love_squats August 11 2010, 18:25:20 UTC
“I’m good.” Which wasn’t true, but he was better. Kids had a wonderful way of making the SOLDIER smile, something down deep giving away for a few hours at least, like a glacier breaking apart. Though, he had to admit, he was wondering what it was with the pink hair lately; is it a new trend he was missing? Seems like everyone had it. Hmm. She might have to become “Pink Jr.”, what with Sakura already had the distinct honor of being simply “Pink ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 12 2010, 08:51:30 UTC
"Sure, Zack-Zack ( ... )


i_love_squats August 12 2010, 17:29:52 UTC
It was saying something when someone offered their weapon, especially their sword. Blades were intimate, close, something used with skill and precision, care; they were different than guns which had the coldness of space and the safety of distance. These let you know what you had done, let you feel it in the blood, in the smell, in the way it felt when tip met flesh. It made your arms ache and was a weight on the bearer’s back. It was impossible to forget ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 13 2010, 17:05:14 UTC
She smiled and took back her sword, laying it back down right beside her. She always kept it close. "I'm glad you like it, Zack-Zack ( ... )


i_love_squats August 15 2010, 03:53:22 UTC
He loved it, really, but he didn’t think he needed to tell her that. He let his smile speak it for itself.

“So, Angelin… Is that his new nickname?” Because Zack could and would make it stick, absolutely loving every second of it. Oh, yes, what partners in crime these two will be. Zack took the candy, noticing the lack of actual pieces in the bag. “You must be feeling better than everyone else in this city, then,” he joked, before popping it in his mouth, mmmming all the while. “So much better than soup!” he said, then looked nervously at the door, wondering if Angeal heard him. It was done with a flare of comedic drama for her benefit alone ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 17 2010, 18:10:02 UTC
"Yup! Angelin! That's his new name!" Yachiru was fairly pleased with her choice, as she usually was. It was a bonus that Zack seemed to like it, too. She was concentrating on drawing the purple spikes of hair with little yellow bells on the end, but she looked up at Zack and grinned. "I'm usually pretty happy!" As proof, she giggled and clapped at his theatrical show of checking to see if he was being watched.

"Why am I Junior? I'm not that little, you know!" She puffed up her cheeks a little, as if it would make her seem somehow older and more mature. Mature enough not to be called 'junior.' Names were very important things and she didn't want to have one that made her sound little. But the mention of food distracted her momentarily. "What kinda 'finger-food,' Zack-Zack?"

With one little hand still on his neck, she looked down at the picture he was drawing. "Ooh! Is that a guy with wings? Do you know somebody with wings, Zack-Zack?"


i_love_squats August 21 2010, 16:49:46 UTC
Angelin. Had a nice ring to it. He wondered if Angeal liked kids as much as he did, and if they'd end up having a day care here with all the children he seemed to be pseudo-adopting. He laughed under his breath, shaking his head, and wasn't surprised to see the spiked hair and the small bells; he had a feeling that's where she was going with her picture. "Really? You? Happy? I never would've guessed!" And he laughed again, poking her with the end of the blue crayon ( ... )


inpiecesofcloud August 23 2010, 07:18:53 UTC
Yachiru pouted and puffed up her cheeks. A name was just about the most important thing a person could have, so she didn't like the idea of being second in line for one, especially if it was being given by Zack-Zack.

"But I don't want somebody else's nickname, Zack-Zack! I don't wanna be junior! Can't I have a different one? Something only for me?" She frowned a little and blushed. "And I already got a big sister! Her name is Scilly and she's really strong and she's the head of the Patrol!"

She touched the back of the crayon to her mouth and thought. There were so many good foods to chose from! "There are really these really tasty buns! Byakushi always gives me some when I come over to his place! We should have some of those!"

She leaned down to look more closely at the picture, though not so far as to leave Zack's arms. She touched a finger to the crayon lines that shaped the wing and looked back up at Zack. "I have? Really? Who is it!"


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