[Open] In the great hall where spiders spin and the circuits fall silent one by one . . .

Jul 22, 2010 19:09

Who: Johan, Anderson, you can come too if you want
When: The day the Scorched go witch-hunting (so, backdated to the 21st)
Where: In the ruins.
Format: I prefer [action], but you can use whatever format you prefer
What: Johan has fled. He's not in good shape.
Warnings: Blood.

These are the rooms of ruin. )

quatre raberba winner, johan andersen, alexander anderson

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Comments 55

judaspaladin July 23 2010, 04:09:46 UTC
[Pages appear and swirl in the ruins. The cyclone finally ends and reveals a large man crouching in what was the "eye". Something's wrong though. Those pages were tinged in red. The crouched figure clutches his right arm and slowly rises. He hisses in pain and anger.]

Damned mist. Least ah got tae where ah need tae be.

[He takes a step forward. He lets out another hiss of pain. The pages cut his right arm but did a real number on his left leg. And worse, he wasn't healing. Well, that will have to be dealt with later. Johan was out there, hurt. Anderson felt the same pain and anger he felt when one of his charges was threatened.]

Johan! Where are yeh lad?!

[He kept moving forward despite his injuries, though now with a pronounced limp. He couldn't risk teleporting again.]



thejewelergem July 23 2010, 04:15:01 UTC
[Johan freezes, trying to quiet his own breathing as he listens. Whatever strange ability he has to sense people is dimmed out here, and he can't tell what the newcomer's intentions might be. One thing he does know, though--that isn't an Anatolian accent.] . . . . A-Anderson?


judaspaladin July 23 2010, 04:47:05 UTC
[He almost thought he'd been hearing things. But it was definitely Johan. He sped up his limping gait and found the boy huddled on what used to be a bench. His creature "Ruby" lay on it as well. Both were spattered with blood.]

Aye. It's meh. Wha' happened lad?


thejewelergem July 23 2010, 04:52:10 UTC
I . . . . don't know. [He strokes Ruby's fur gently, searching for her injury.] People just . . . started chasing us and throwing things and screaming at me about demons and bringing things out of the mist . . . [yeah. He's definitely crying.] Someone hit her with something.


sandrocker July 24 2010, 03:49:29 UTC
[Some time passes before Quatre arrives in the ruins; he isn't sure how long he took, and he doesn't think about it because there isn't any time for that - but he took long enough that Father Anderson is already there, keeping Johan company. Good, Quatre thinks.]


[He is carrying small bag, filled with stolen supplies; Lucrezia walks closely behind her master, considerably alert.]


thejewelergem July 24 2010, 03:54:54 UTC
[Johan's head jerks up. Then he swipes his sleeve over his eyes. Dirt aside, that thing's really going to need washed, if blood can come out of cotton.] Quatre?

[He looks dismayed.] I told you not to come out here. It's too dangerous.


sandrocker July 24 2010, 04:02:21 UTC
[Quatre shakes his head.]

I'll be fine.

How badly are you and Ruby injured?

[This is not a side of Quatre Johan is familiar with, but his tone is commanding, no nonsense. He is taking charge, and he isn't wasting time about any of this.]


thejewelergem July 24 2010, 04:09:25 UTC
She's cut. It's tied up, but it should probably be washed. [Ignoring that bit about himself? Yeah. Even though he's pretty obviously not oblivious--he tilts his head forward as he says it and when he does another trickle of blood runs into his eye, which he just wipes out with his fingers and a small noise of absent disgust before going back to Ruby's wounds.] I was thinking of trying to find some water out here. There has to be some.


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