[Open] In the great hall where spiders spin and the circuits fall silent one by one . . .

Jul 22, 2010 19:09

Who: Johan, Anderson, you can come too if you want
When: The day the Scorched go witch-hunting (so, backdated to the 21st)
Where: In the ruins.
Format: I prefer [action], but you can use whatever format you prefer
What: Johan has fled. He's not in good shape.
Warnings: Blood.

[It's quiet, here, in the ruins; just the occasional drip of water and the sound of Johan's feet. A trickle of blood runs into his eye, and he brushes it absently away before finding a bench on which he can sit and lay his injured friend.

Where he goes from here is anybody's guess--back to the city isn't an option, but he doesn't feel so keen on being eaten, either. If he weren't alone out here . . . at least, then it wouldn't be so bad.]

Ruby . . .

quatre raberba winner, johan andersen, alexander anderson

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