[OPEN] In memory of bittersweet romance!

Jul 07, 2010 16:14

When: July 7th, Tanabata time.
Where: Around the Ramen Shop
Format: Don't care! Use anything you like!
What: Nagi's makeshift Tanabata celebration!
Warnings: Probably nothing?
Notes: There's a thread for the wishes, which are anonymous, so if your character has a wish go ahead and drop them there! Other than that, feel ( Read more... )

kaien shiba, utena tenjo, mei chan, priscilla, elena, izaya orihara, jennifer check, jason todd, scar, komui lee, johan andersen, zack fair, arthur pendragon, byakuya kuchiki, quatre raberba winner, itachi uchiha, deneve, martha jones, riza hawkeye

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Comments 321

sandrocker July 8 2010, 07:58:45 UTC
[Despite the melancholic tone of his wish, Quatre looks rather upbeat; as his wont, he doesn't let his father keep him down very long. He thinks too much, anyway, about the elder Winner these days. And it's pointless, really - in his opinion, anyway -, because it's a suffocating thing to think and cry about.

So he is munching lightly on a snack and making conversation with people, whether he knows them or not. Hello, you need a tiny troll bothering you.]


madsupervisor July 8 2010, 09:12:18 UTC
[Why, hello there. Don't mind the mad scientist sidling up to talk to you. Hes definitely not playing overprotective big brother. Nope.]

Well, hello. You seem to be blending in well. [You have now been caught on Komui's radar as a potential enemy to Lenalee's purity.]


sandrocker July 8 2010, 09:18:26 UTC
I am?

[There is a pause, and then, a "hey wait a minute" look crosses Quatre's face. HE REMEMBERS YOUR VOICE.]

You're that scientist!


madsupervisor July 8 2010, 17:21:29 UTC
[Komui frowns thoughtfully.] Have we met before?


jaytodd July 8 2010, 08:33:41 UTC
[Jason passes by on his way to work (that will never stop sounding weird in his head). He vaguely remember something about this celebration, probably from the rare times he found the time to watch tv, because it doesn't seem to be something included in his training or lessons.

Well. It can't hurt.

Finding the right words for the piece of paper is surprisingly difficult.]


sandrocker July 8 2010, 09:07:28 UTC
[You especially need your hetero life partner a troll bothering you.]

Jason, you came!


jaytodd July 8 2010, 10:29:10 UTC
[but is is still hetero life partner when one isn't hetero?]

[A shrug.] It's on my way. Celebrating being alive's always pretty good.

[people mingling and talking and smiles around? Not that bad. Gives a break from the end of the world]


sandrocker July 8 2010, 14:16:38 UTC
[It is strictly hetero in that they have no sex.]

Did you make a wish?


firebornfidelis July 8 2010, 09:48:26 UTC
[This is good, this is normal. Riza has to remind herself that dealing with people is inevitable. That is part of the reason she came here. To force herself into a crowd, to make herself able to appear calm surrounded by this much noise. She can even manage a little empty smile when it is required.

She moves with seeming ease, weaving between people, but careful all the time not to touch anyone. She writes her wish - a brief thing - and contemplates hiding the paper in her pocket but opts instead for hanging it at the back, half-hidden. She walks away from the little tree before she thinks better of it.]


circus_bones July 8 2010, 15:53:16 UTC
[There's a flower waiting for her when she turns around. Not a real one...it's made from colorful paper. But at least it won't wilt.

And bowing in a dramatic fashion before her is one red-headed clown who knows an empty smile when he sees one.]


<3! firebornfidelis July 8 2010, 16:59:30 UTC
[She blinks at him and his flower for a moment, not quite sure what to do with either of them.]

... Hello, Joker.


<3~ circus_bones July 8 2010, 17:19:43 UTC
Fancy meetin' you here, Miss Riza.

[Even though it's not really a surprise. Everyone seems to be here. Joker straightens, a smile on his lips.]

Tried to make a flower that would stay pretty for ya and make ya smile. Ha, looks like I didn't quite manage it.

[He smiles sheepishly as he rubs his head.]


twoswordjuniper July 8 2010, 10:02:22 UTC
[Deneve stops in to this 'festival' more out of curiosity than anything else. With the zombie situation handled and her person thoroughly cleaned of any trace that it had ever happened, she has very little else to do. And it is interesting to observe the bustle of these people.

She has no wish she cares to write out on one of the silly papers, and she's not certain what she would wish for even if she gave it some thought. So she doesn't. Wishes don't come true, anyway.

She contents herself by taking a place along the wall and leaning back against the comforting shape of her swords - she doesn't go without them, even in the city, not that she really cares what anyone thinks of her in any case - and watches silently.]


hi there fellow blade maiden! strayblade July 8 2010, 15:23:24 UTC
[Naoto isn't big on celebrations. It's not that she has anything against them, she just can't remember any reasons in her life that were cause for celebration. Maybe, -just- maybe, when she was younger...

She sighs. It would be speculation and nothing more. The fact remained that the food, the drink, the gathering of people (who weren't trying to kill each other), it all felt brand new.

But this was her best chance of getting information, something new that she didn't yet know. So that had brought her out, even if she hadn't written anything on a little slip of paper.

It's Deneve's swords that she notices first, followed quickly by the fact that she looks a bit outside the celebration herself. So Naoto abandon's her wall for the blonde woman's.]


[She speaks after a moment, trailing off on that word to glance around.]

...isn't a celebration from your world, is it?


:D hey, you're not blonde! twoswordjuniper July 8 2010, 18:02:52 UTC
[Deneve studies the woman for a moment before speaking. If she still finds it a little odd whenever people who aren't Claymores approach her, she doesn't show it.]

No. I'm not familiar with it.

[She pauses for a moment, glancing at all the people around them celebrating.]

Are you?


nope! but she would've made a good claymore. ~.~ strayblade July 8 2010, 19:46:10 UTC

[Naoto shakes her head, then thinks about her answer for a moment.]

Or if I am, I don't remember it.

[Her attention returns to the weapons across Deneve's back. Her own remains sheathed and in the little case that she carries over her shoulder.]

Your blades. Can you really fight with both at the same time?


i_love_squats July 8 2010, 17:10:16 UTC
[Zack held his wish awkwardly for a moment, wondering if he was, well, doing it correctly and according to the rules. After all, he hadn't heard of this back home, not the custom, not the names associated with it, nothing in Wutai or Midgar, the places between. It was a sort mystical guessing game, and he folded it properly and put it where he thought it went, hoping for the best.

[Not that he thought it would work, mind you, but every little bit helped, right?

[As per usual, he drifted towards the refreshments, looking at them curiously. Most of them seemed like variations on things he knew from his tours in Wutai and from talking to Tseng, a little different in appearance but still the same concept. "Hmm"ing, he eyed them, wondering which one to go for first.]


pandamaiden July 8 2010, 17:25:23 UTC

[Mei is happy enough to greet a lot of people. It just so happened Zack caught her attention.]

Did you make a wish too?


i_love_squats July 8 2010, 17:51:57 UTC
[And Zack's happy to greet them back. Especially when they're as adorable as Mei! His grin has the force of a hundred suns, bright and upbeat and pleased. Little ones did that to him.]

Yep! Is it like the birthday wish, where you can't tell anyone or it won't come true? Or can you blab all you want about it? All bets are off?

[His hand jerked back towards the refreshments, tentative still.] Can you recommend anything? Have you tried it all yet?


pandamaiden July 8 2010, 18:02:33 UTC
[Finally! Someone with a big smile and the cheerfulness that a holiday should have! this makes her a happy little girl.]

I'm not sure. But I won't tell anyone if you want to tell me! I'll even tell you mine.

[She tilted her head at the refreshments.] Everything is good. Do you like sweets better?


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