
Mar 24, 2010 16:11

Who: Allen Walker, Namine, Sohki
When: Just after this
Where: The area Allen was attacked.
Format: Paragraph, past tense.
What: Sohki goes to keep Allen company until the others arrive.
Warnings: None

The sun will one day shine again. )

allen walker, sohki, namine

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Comments 32

subrusticus_xiv March 24 2010, 23:42:42 UTC
He was still leant against the wall, trying not to move. Slightly glazed eyes darted from the Forge on the ground to his surroundings and to Timcampi.

Déjà vu, much? He had to smile a little at the irony.

A flash of lightning in front of him made him blink and jerk back. Allen hissed in pain, fingers pressed over the area where he was injured. His sight went funny as he curled in a little on himself.

All right, not moving, then. Through a haze, he could make out the form of a person walking toward him. Sohki, he surmised, seeing it was only one person. Words registered in his mind, so he answered the best he could, given his condition.

"You seem...fond of understatements," he noted weakly. "As for holding up--w-well enough, I think." Bleeding had stopped, for which he was thankful for. He was more worried about passing out. "Thanks--for coming," he added, not wanting to seem ungrateful.


playful_trouble March 25 2010, 00:04:08 UTC
Sohki slowed his approach as Allen weakly spoke to him. While there was a lot of blood covering the area, a quick run over each of his wounds, it seemed as though the blood flow had stopped. That was fortunate for Allen considering that it would mean that the young male would survive.

"Well, I find that there's no need to put even more of a damper on the day," The Kirin cheerfully murmured, "You've no need to thank me. This is the least that I can do."

He reached out so that he could touch the palm of his hand to Allen's cheek. "Now, let me see what you look like~" While he did need to touch another to see what they were truly like within, the blind Kirin more did it to keep Allen focused on him. The last thing Allen should be doing was to surrender to the darkness of unconsciousness.


subrusticus_xiv March 25 2010, 00:18:06 UTC
He swallowed, taking one careful breath. “I s-suppose,” he answered, blinking a little. “Generally speaking, this isn’t a very good first meeting.”

Allen gave a faint start at the touch, but it more out of surprise than anything. The sensation of something on his skin kept his mind from wandering off into who knew where. But the words made little sense. “W-what?” See? Did he mean his injuries?


playful_trouble March 25 2010, 00:35:27 UTC
"You are alive, so I would say that it is a good first meeting." Sohki said. Obviously Allen was a rather polite individual, and it was a rather refreshing (abet amusing) side to the young male. Here he was broken and bleeding and he as still trying to apologise. How adorable!

"My apologies," He felt the flinching, but kept his touch smoothing over Allen's cheek as he murmured, "My eyes aren't what they used to be, and so I've gotten into the habit of touching the faces of those I first meet."

Sohki fell silent for a moment as he saw deeply into Allen's soul. There was a definite shadow hiding deep within Allen, but a certain brightness within. They seemed to be struggling, battling, with each other. It was a curious sense, and it kept the blind Kirin quiet for a few moments longer.


and then I was like, bam. dollchains March 26 2010, 03:20:16 UTC
Her sandals slapped the ground hard enough to feel the pain of the hard ground through the light foam. Her feet were stinging -- she never ran. She sat by herself, drawing. She didn't do things that took much activity -- it was why she hadn't been able to wrench herself away from Riku's grasp in that moment so many months ago, why she couldn't tell Roxas everything he needed to know before she'd found herself here. But ( ... )


Now I'm going to have that damn ad stuck in my head =| playful_trouble March 26 2010, 14:37:42 UTC
[Dropping down from here]

"Mmm, and that's not to mention the others who have done the same~" He sounded thoughtfully after Allen had spoken. There was no doubt that there was something within them considering the apparently odd behaviour all the others had displayed. It was why he had avoided them and stepped back to observe. The bitter hatred from the locals was more than enough to make him suspicious of them, after all. "But I do believe you're correct."

The feel of another approaching their location drew the Kirin's attention momentarily away from Allen. Judging by her hurried movements, it was obvious to him that she had been previously informed about his state of being. So, this was one who would aid him?

He withdrew his hand as she approached and settled in to observe the situation.


? No idea what add. Sorry for the wait--I was at the gym. subrusticus_xiv March 26 2010, 16:04:14 UTC
"I am never taking free food again," he said, shaking his head a little. "At least, not here."

Footsteps sounded in his ears. Light, running footsteps. He guessed it was Namine, and he rolled his eyes, trying to see which direction the steps came from.

He was right when he heard her voice and felt her hand on his arm. "Managing--" he replied softly, swallowing. "As well as I can in th-this situation."

[ ooc: So that it doesn't get complicated and we don't miss comments, track this thread. ]


o-o I don't know that ad either. dollchains March 27 2010, 03:43:41 UTC
The girl gave a faint smile, though it had a small air of pity to it. "You'll be okay," she mumbled, having completely forgotten about Sohki for the moment. "We'll just have to go somewhere safe. Where are you injured?"

The girl lifted her blue gaze, turning her attention to the being who was located beside her. "I'm sorry. I don't think we've met. My name is Namine." She didn't recognize him, anyway. But then, she supposed, she wouldn't recognize a lot of people if she found them outside the network -- mainly, everyone communicated by voice alone.


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