[Semi-Closed] A Journey to Wynn...

Nov 16, 2011 19:53

Who: For the Forest, Mountain and Erebos threads, only their respective teammates. For the Dinner thread, ANYONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE IN WYNN is welcome to crash.
When: Wednesday afternoon through Friday night.
Where: Wynn - the Adney Forest and Mountains, Erebos, and a restaurant.
Format: We begin with action and we go wherever we go.
What: Two days ( Read more... )

lust, trevor belmont, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, isley

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Comments 29

Team Forest yetsleeping November 17 2011, 00:56:56 UTC
[The forest is a maze of trees, and features rivers, small lakes, and a number of hills that roll into the mountains.]


[TEAM FOREST IS... Ulquiorra, Lust, Lady.]


TEAM FOREST FOREVER sonvisage November 18 2011, 01:00:36 UTC
I hardly recognize anything. Perhaps if there were more elves~

[No, not really.]


sombras_blancas November 18 2011, 08:29:11 UTC
Recognize? [He glances at the woman. It's probably the first thing he's said since they'd arrived, to anyone.]

You came during the initial siege to the island, then.


sonvisage November 21 2011, 19:30:46 UTC
I did.

Did you? I'm afraid with all the chaos I didn't get much of a chance to make any new friends.


Or enemies.

[A grin as she looks a little ways past him. Just because things seem peaceful doesn't mean they are. Not that that's necessarily bad, but...]

I like it better when it's not on fire.


Team Mountain yetsleeping November 17 2011, 00:58:52 UTC
[The mountain range is small, but dangerous. The thin pathways and caves are problematic enough on their own...]

[But there's also MONSTERS!]

[(and the occasional, rumbling growl of a dragon in the distance...).]

[TEAM MOUNTAIN IS... Teresa, Trevor, Aximili]


moarnomsplz November 18 2011, 03:52:16 UTC
[Ax has not spoken to the human male who is part of his assigned team, and has only briefly talked to the human woman, who struck him as thoughtful and intelligent.

He hopes they are both free of any prejudices that will make them unduly alarmed when he demorphs, but he is doing it nevertheless. He would not trust two shaky human legs to carry him through this terrain, and he definitely does not want to be in a body without natural defenses, considering those unsettling noises. But he feels a warning is only fair.]

I am going-ing to change now. Please do not... [What is the human phrase?] Freak, eek, out.

[He demorphs quickly, giving his human clothings up for lost this time, as he has no way to carry them, and in a few moments, he is quite relieved to be on his own proper four legs, with one of his stalk eyes focused behind him. The other is on Trevor, while his main eyes are on Teresa, making sure they are both all right.]

< I am much better equipped to handle dangers this way. >


poweroflegend November 18 2011, 09:03:38 UTC
[The voice in his head makes Trevor turn around, halfway through filling their canteens with water from a sliced vine. There is, of course, surprise at this revelation. Maybe a second or two of hesitation. But no fear, loathing, or anything remotely like it. Just acceptance. Both for their companion's changeling nature and the fact that his fellow Scorched never ceased to amaze.]

Of course. T'would be folly to chart new ground under-prepared.

[And with those simple words of acknowledgement, the hunter hands them both their canteens.]


prescientblade November 19 2011, 23:05:23 UTC
[Teresa's eyebrows raise at the transformation, and there's just the slightest tension in her limbs when she sees it. It isn't the form itself, but what it resembles to her - though he's much smaller than Isley, and without the crushing weight of unleashed yoki.]

[But this boy isn't a hybrid, not an awakened being, and so once the initial surprise passes Teresa relaxes into one of her casual smiles. She doesn't seem to show any tension beyond that as she takes the offered canteen, and shakes it a little.]

Hm. Shall I save this for one of you? I had a drink before we left.

[She shoulders it anyway, and turns back to Ax appraisingly.]

It's not a bad form for fighting. How much experience do you have?


Team Erebos yetsleeping November 17 2011, 01:01:11 UTC
[Inside the Chamber, the world is unstable and twisted. Pieces of a million worlds lie scattered in its confines - perhaps even pieces of your own past?]

[Also? BLACK MIST. Terrible and relentless, it comes after dark like a plague. Indeed, it's even worse than... THE MONSTERS.]

[TEAM EREBOS IS... Priscilla, Isley, Jon Snow.]


swordofthenorth November 18 2011, 15:30:07 UTC
[Strangely, Isley is eager to see Erebos again.]

[Perhaps he wishes to walk through the Gate of his own accord, as if it will change anything he saw during his previous visit. Perhaps he simply wants to understand the monument as he wishes to understand the Door. Whatever his reasons, he will see Jon and Priscilla protected on this expedition.]

[Senji, his silvery direwolf, accompanies him when he steps through into the dark city. Isley thinks to himself, We'll be lucky to arrive during day, still next to one another, and says...]

Stay close.


watchonthewall November 19 2011, 01:35:36 UTC
[Jon hasn't yet been to the City of Black Mist. He has no idea what dangers await them, but he didn't even take that into consideration when he volunteered for Erebos. He hadn't known all the dangers beyond the Wall either.]

[Ghost draws closer to Jon, and Jon to the others as he steps into The Chamber. It's some of the buildings that startle him first: not made with stone, like the ones in Winterfell. But made of steel, like his sword.]


yetsleeping November 19 2011, 11:24:34 UTC
[She isn't afraid. She knows this much, at least - maybe because of her company, or her strength. Maybe because there isn't much in the world as terrifying as her own mind, and she's faced that enough times.]

[Either way, she isn't afraid. And so, the main thing on her mind as she steps through the gate is, strange. I'm the only one who didn't bring the wolf.]

[Strange how a single moment can change things. One step, and she's tempted, just for moment moment, to turn back.]

Maybe I should have.


...oh. Brought the wolf.

[There, the glory of finished sentences. Or started ones, in this case. But she can't help it. It's hard to keep track of her thoughts when there's a river running a few feet away, and metal buildings before her. Snow and grass and autumn trees.]

[It's all she can do to find her voice, but she does.]

...was it like this before?


Food and Friendship Forever | FRIDAY ONLY yetsleeping November 17 2011, 01:05:17 UTC
[The Salty Pig is a homey eatery - all wood and warmth and a fairly bad bard singing by the fireplace. Still, the food is passable enough, and the atmosphere is cozy.]

[They give the group their largest table, over by the fire, where a pot of meat is currently stewing, filling the room with the scent of spiced beef and potatoes.]

[Maybe that's appetizing, as long as you're not a cannibal.]

[In any case, the expedition has drawn to a close, and it's time to celebrate!]

[And see if anyone else happens to turn up, too.]


sonvisage November 18 2011, 00:58:06 UTC
[She will just sit here and side-eye that bard.]


swordofthenorth November 18 2011, 15:43:25 UTC
[Being a cannibal, Isley can vouch for dinner not being all that appetizing...at least to him. He does not have a plate or bowl before him, only a goblet filled with wine that occasionally he sips from.]

[Despite sitting close to the fire, his cloak still hangs about his shoulders. The warmth within the eatery is an obvious non-concern. The badly singing bard, however...]

[Just for a moment Isley wishes he had brought Senji into the Salty Pig with him so that the direwolf could tear the man's throat out.]

[That thought at least puts a bit of a smile on his face.]

Did you find much in the forest?

[The question is directed toward Lust. She traveled with Ulquiorra and Isley is...very curious as to what transpired.]


sonvisage December 8 2011, 00:58:34 UTC

[She has no idea it's a bad omen. No idea at all. And god, that bard. She's tempted to offer coin just to get him to shut up.]

It was a little like a dragon.


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