[Semi-Closed] A Journey to Wynn...

Nov 16, 2011 19:53

Who: For the Forest, Mountain and Erebos threads, only their respective teammates. For the Dinner thread, ANYONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE IN WYNN is welcome to crash.
When: Wednesday afternoon through Friday night.
Where: Wynn - the Adney Forest and Mountains, Erebos, and a restaurant.
Format: We begin with action and we go wherever we go.
What: Two days of exploration and one night of relaxation.
Warnings: None yet!

[At noontime, nine Scorched meet at the docks, and crowd onboard the Victoria, where Priscilla reads out their team assignments. Team Erebos, Team Adney Forest, and Team Adney Mountains. She asks, also, that the members keep notes - in their Forges, in their minds... whatever it is that proves most reliable and most efficient to them. Note the creatures they encounter, anything dangerous, anything different.]

[Thank you for coming, she says, and smiles as the ship pulls away from shore.]

[The trip is, as usual, long and full of dreadful odors, and rolling dice, and the rolling waves. Around them, the mist and behind them, the receding land. By the time the ship reaches Wynn, it's a fair bet that everyone involved is ready to put the Victoria behind them... at least for a few days. But the town, while comforting, is not their final destination.]

[6pm on Friday, Priscilla reminds them, with another smile... and Please do not hesitate to call for help if help is needed. Finally, with a pause, Those of us exploring Erebos may not hear, but the others will.]

[With that, the various teams go their separate ways.]

* * *

[ooc note: Basically, feel free to plot with your team members, bring in any relevant monsters, and generally have an exploratory time. Inventing rivers, glades, caves, etc - all of that is fair game, and if you do it, you can even add to the game's lord by submitting the location here. Also, remember that link as Wynn info and locations, etc!

If someone from one team is invited into a thread by another time for HELP MONSTERS GETTING US reasons, that's cool, that's cool!

Finally, about the dinner thread - while technically only the expedition types were explicitly invited, any character in the game who happens to be in Wynn is free to show up and eat!]

lust, trevor belmont, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, isley

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