[OPEN] War Log II: Anatole

Oct 23, 2011 18:15

Who: Anyone who remained in the city
When: 23 - 27ish
Where: Anatole
Format: ANYTHING YOU PREFER. Action to start out.
What: The elves and the winged monsters have come to Anatole. Blood in the streets! Blood in the streets!
Warnings: Violence, Part II
Notes: Tag into the location threads, or make your own if that suits you better! Feel free to ( Read more... )

olivier mira armstrong, ulquiorra cifer, verity kindle, yachiru kusajishi, damon salvatore, jack vessalius, snake-eyes, caroline forbes, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, scar, the trickster, lilly rush, xerxes break, lucian, dawn summers, asellus, cordelia chase, nill, angel

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Comments 74

The Docks scorchedevents October 23 2011, 22:36:47 UTC
[Wisdom suggests it's a good idea to stop them as they arrive - and while that may not be possible in all cases, it is at least worth a try.]


Re: The Docks hebime October 24 2011, 01:48:49 UTC
[There's a black tide surging in on Anatole. Riding its waves are rowboats laden with blood-soaked pointy-eared nightmares much too tall and gruesome to be considered human. They lift swords and bows to the sky as the shoreline comes into view. They still remember the glorious time they had when last they came. Now they look forward to finishing what they started. They let loose exultant hunting cries from those bleeding lips. The Red Elves are back and they want their prey to know it.]

[That's when the thunder starts.]

[The invaders' warcries turn to screams of shock and agony as a leaden stream of hot death begins to rip into their very formation. 7.7mm rounds reduce Red Elf flesh to mangled chunks and their rowboats to waterlogged wrecks. Not a single bullet is wasted. There's a true professional at the giving end of this death machine, and he's firing in controlled bursts ( ... )


firebornfidelis October 25 2011, 10:30:28 UTC
[Riza isn't one of Snake-Eye's Joes and her weapon is no where near as impressive as the machine gun, but she does her part. She's practically one with the elegant rifle she's firing at the incoming invaders. She's not used to sniping from ground-level, but you do what you must.

Every bullet finds it's target in the head or the heart of her targets. Like clockwork she pulls the trigger, the echo rings against the water and the lighthouse stones and an elf falls, and she draws back the bolt with a clack to clear the rifle so she can fire again, neat and easy. She falls back a step to stand closer to Snake-Eyes as she reaches into the inner pockets of her jacket for the row of ammunition stored there so she can reload her rifle.]


hebime October 27 2011, 06:28:20 UTC
[Riza's shots strike like bolts of lightning that have found their way into a hailstorm. She makes up for any lack of quantity with sheer quality. Snake-Eyes will later wonder if he didn't in fact see her down three Red Elves with a single headshot.]

[Soon, they're playing off each other. Every new target Riza picks becomes a marker of sorts for Snake-Eyes to finish the job. Her sniper shots become a herald for his machinegun bursts, ensuring no rowboat they've singled out gets to reach shore and unload its howling passengers.]

[For all its horror, this is one good thing that comes of war. This feeling of brotherhood regardless of rank or role. Of holding the line together, shoulder to shoulder, against overwhelming odds. There's nothing like it. In that moment, Snake-Eyes knows he will gladly give his life for his comrades here. Just as he will for any Joe.]


Greenhouse Row scorchedevents October 23 2011, 22:38:23 UTC
[Perhaps it is cruelty, or wisdom in battle, that drives the elves to attack Greenhouse Row. Either way, the trees, the vines, the crops are all burning, and the shattered glass is scattered over the ground.]


charmprince October 23 2011, 23:23:52 UTC
Her boots have long since become hardly worth mentioning, the leather slashed and rent by shards of glass. I should have gotten better-soled ones, Asellus thinks, and a bubble of almost hysterical laughter follows, though she swallows it as quickly as she can and fills another bucket of water from the cistern with one hand, Asura clutched tight in the other, just in case ( ... )


girl_unlocking October 24 2011, 01:20:13 UTC
[She'd come down of the rooftops for this sweep - followed the cries and the shouting. Followed the bright and the ash and the heat.

It's hard to tell which is which in the haze of smoke, and she coughs into her sleeve, presses it to her mouth and nose as she moves forward, stepping over broken things.

(Here a dead thing there a dead thing oh god what am I doing?

The scythe in her other hand is crusted red with disuse, not blood, but she's resolved to use it if she has to.

Closer, closer and the familiar flash of green hair.]

H-hey?! Do you need---

[What she doesn't need is a hand on her shoulder, but that's what she's got - and it spins her, catches her off guard. As she turns, she begins to lose her footing, skidding on glass and blood and going down hard.]



charmprince October 24 2011, 02:07:47 UTC
[She can no more ignore that cry out than she can stop herself mid-turn to find out the source, and with a kick, she shoves the red elf that had been her target into the fire itself. The stink of burning flesh and a shriek go utterly ignored as she stumbles through the smoke, sweat cutting lines into the ash crusted on her skin. It's not hard to find Dawn, since she lacks the ink-black hair of the elves and isn't a beastling; the glass on the ground has Asellus concerned, though, and she offers a hand up while scanning for any major injury.]

Are you alright? [Her posture is protective even as she's offering a hand, Asura held like a dagger rather than a sword. Warding off the enemy is easier like that than having to strike out.] It's not exactly safe here; you lost? [Is that weapon covered in rust?]


Residential Districts scorchedevents October 23 2011, 22:41:48 UTC
[Broken windows, splintered doors. Reptiles cling to the ceilings in shattered homes, and walk through the gaps in demolished walls. And inside the homes, the screams of civilians as the elves search for their next... meal.]


Re: Residential Districts divinelyhushed October 24 2011, 06:29:18 UTC
[ Did you know silent screams resounded in your own ears - loud enough to almost mute chaos and destruction around one, even if no one else can hear it? ]

[ Well. They do - with a sound so crippling that she cannot help but stop, amidst the burning buildings and the terrorized citizens and the monstrous reptilian creatures, wedge herself into the small alcove made by one of the yet to be charred building and clamp her her hands over her own ears. Although at that point, if it's to smother the sounds within her own head or the screams and cries of humans and monsters alike around her is anyone's guess. ]

[ This is some sort of hell, right? Or at least a level of destruction that could - would destroy a whole mess of people. Perhaps this whole city if things continued at this rate. People were fighting - people she knew! Or if not having known personally, recognized from the Network. She was sure she'd seen a few natives she'd known as well, from the market, running, screaming, crying... littering the streets in broken bodies ( ... )


lonestray October 24 2011, 09:15:39 UTC
[Scar is a tall and well-built man--when Nill crashes into him, he barely even sways on his feet where she is knocked to her feet. Still, the force of the impact is enough to have him look down, and see the petite girl that's fallen.

Those red eyes of his soften, and for a brief moment he's reminded of something he shouldn't be, of another little girl who is no longer here. But she is not that girl, she is not out there attempting to fight, attempting to lead others to safety. She is not trying to take on the responsibilities of someone much older. She shouldn't be out here at all.

Scar isn't even sure why he is out here, fighting, when he's not even really sure what he's fighting for. It's not survival, not quite...his own life hasn't been important to him in quite some time, and until recently was only measured in terms of its ability to care for another who's since gone ( ... )


Residential Districts trickster_treat October 24 2011, 15:49:13 UTC

[Trickster appears next to Nill and Scar in the street quite suddenly. He had been standing on the roof of the mansion he was boarding in, protecting it from the fires and swatting down and lizards or elves who came too close when he felt that Nill was in trouble.

He'd taken a liking to the small girl and had, promised, after all, to come if she was in trouble. She hadn't called out for him, probably too scared to think strait, but he'd still come.

Trickster glanced at Scar and a quick evaluation showed him that he wasn't a threat to either of them.

He patted Nill on the head to calm her and scanned the street for any enemies coming their way.]


...Dismas. scorchedevents October 23 2011, 22:43:54 UTC
[Want a challenge? Here it is: they swarm down the streets to the undercity - red elves with their blades and their lizards alike. If you follow, you can feel your strength draining away.]


photosbythebed October 25 2011, 00:10:32 UTC
[It's not as if she's got anything to lose by descending the steps into the Undercity. No powers made manifest, no touch of Mist that she can discern has ever altered her - what's altered her has been marked with loss and it's keen and sharp and just fucked up is what it is. She's lost things.

More than things: people.

No time to think about that or she'll lose more, and she's not doing that. It's not an option.

She's been up and down these stairs for what feels like an indeterminate amount of time. Six times? Twenty? But she's escaped notice of the Red Elves every time but one - and that time her shot had been quick and clean and on the mark.

Down again she comes this time - purposeful and silent and reassuring as she finds the boy just where his brother had said he'd be. Another one she won't fail as she leads him around and back and up and through - winged bastards be damned because oh yeah, there's this other gun - and tonight luck is on her side ( ... )


sombras_blancas October 25 2011, 05:47:48 UTC
[Thus far, Ulquiorra has not partaken in any of the fighting unless the elves and their strange mounts had the misfortune of coming across him. That was above ground, in Anatole proper. So what brings him down to the darkness of Dismas ( ... )


closed to nill supercilious October 25 2011, 02:13:23 UTC
[ Dismas has always made Arthur inexplicably uneasy, and in all his months in Anatole he can count the times he's been down here on one hand. ]

[ It's easy to forget he is Mist-augmented, so slowly did his strength creep upon him. But in Dismas his armour is suddenly heavy again, the strain of swinging his sword greater than he's used to. If he survives this he's going to start training down here: Arthur has relied too long on magic. ]

[ But he cannot go anywhere else. Not when he sent people down to Dismas to safety, only now to see creatures swarming down the steps. He can organize and order all he likes, but Arthur cannot keep himself from the front lines. Keep himself from doing something incredibly stupid. Because those tall figures with their bloody eyes, he fears them, and so he must face them, because he fears his own cowardice more. ]

[ Now in the tight underground tunnels, he fights, tasting blood from where he's bit through his lip. Fights for hours, up the steps and down, giving ground and taking it back, his strength ( ... )


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