[CLOSED] Arthur, Isley, and Priscilla

Oct 22, 2011 22:33

Who: supercilious, swordofthenorth, yetsleeping
When: 10/19/11, late night
Where: The lighthouse
Format: Action
What: Priscilla decides to investigate the lighthouse! Arthur and Isley decide not to let her undertake the task alone.
Warnings: None

Upon the dirt path their footsteps sound off-one, two, three steps, and then four, unsynchronized and discordantly sonorous. )

priscilla, isley, arthur pendragon

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Comments 8

yetsleeping October 23 2011, 03:06:39 UTC
[Priscilla steps carefully among the rocks and sand, following the light, listening to the footfalls behind her. The beach is quiet, this late - just the whisper of wind and the gentle crash of the sea, and all around them it's night air and fine mist.]

[She frowns a little, considering that question.]

...I'm not. Sure. Three swords may be a bit much, but... if it comes to it, there doesn't need to be three.


supercilious October 23 2011, 04:08:31 UTC
[ Arthur rolls his eyes. ]

Yes, yes, I know, we can't all tear monsters apart with our brute strength.

[ It's probably good for him, to be a small fish in a big pond instead of the other way around, even if the sound of his boots have been the loudest, the most careless. Not because he's stomping - Arthur can tread lightly when he must - but he'll never be as dainty as Priscilla before him, as fleet as Isley behind. ]

[ The reminder has him check his sword is loose in his scabbard, though he came here less to fight than to watch. ]


swordofthenorth October 23 2011, 04:30:11 UTC
Perhaps you can slay any foes we meet with your sarcasm, Arthur.

[Isley flashes the other man a small smile, then steps closer to Priscilla. He makes no move to rest his hand on his own sword at his waist. He does not feel threatened, and besides, its weight assures him that it is there, secure, and ever ready to be unleashed if he should require its cutting edge.]

At least there is only one way to go: up. We should have a clear view from the top, as well.

[And for a moment his gaze wanders off toward the coast, toward the water's edge. Something is coming. The atmosphere is heavy with hazard. The Natives can sense it, and most, if not all of the Scorched are also aware.]


yetsleeping October 23 2011, 11:30:21 UTC
[Priscilla gives a slight nod, her gaze following Isley's for a moment - watching the pale horizon and the black mist. She hasn't seen much there. She never has - and in fairness, there's never really been much to see. The world is covered in mist, they say, and she's never allowed herself to think much about what lie beyond it.]

[Now she does. That lighthouse, it acts like a warning bell, and something in it chills her.]

...even when the ghost ship came, the lighthouse stayed dark.

[That's one reason, at least. As for the other...]

I'm not even sure who is up there to light it.

[Two years. Two years and she's never gone inside. For the first time, she wonders why not, as she rubs her arms to keep out the imagined chill.]

[Step. Step. She watches the dark rocks under her quiet feet.]

Well! On the upside, this is definitely a good way to spend an anniversary.


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