[CLOSED] Arthur, Isley, and Priscilla

Oct 22, 2011 22:33

Who: supercilious, swordofthenorth, yetsleeping
When: 10/19/11, late night
Where: The lighthouse
Format: Action
What: Priscilla decides to investigate the lighthouse! Arthur and Isley decide not to let her undertake the task alone.
Warnings: None

[The night is darker than pitch. When the three set out for the lighthouse, the light burning brightly at its highest point guides their way. It is a steady stream in the darkness, in the black veil that has settled over the city, over the water, concealing all that lurks beyond in silence and in wait.]

[Upon the dirt path their footsteps sound off-one, two, three steps, and then four, unsynchronized and discordantly sonorous. Priscilla leads the way when the path begins to narrow, and Isley takes the rear. Arthur, while more than a capable fighter, is kept between them for better protection. He has neither the reflexes nor regenerative capability the former two possess.]

[When they reach the base of the lighthouse at last, Isley stares up at it with eyes as golden as its governing light. For all the likelihood of some threat awaiting them, the Abyssal One appears incurious.]

[He turns to face Priscilla after a moment, cloak brushed back over his shoulders, arms folding across his chest.]

Will there be enough room within to wield our weapons?

[He poses the question more for Arthur's sake; Isley and Priscilla both could tear things apart with their bare hands.]

priscilla, isley, arthur pendragon

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