
Jun 23, 2011 18:50

Who: Lucian (lightofvengence ) and Spike (samianscar )
When: ...I'm not entirely sure anymore.
Where: The ruins.
Format: Prose, why not?
What: Lucian's hunting monsters in the ruins. So is Spike. Chance encounter, anyone?
Warnings: If Lucian doesn't swear, I'll be shocked.

It's not like something's just going to come leaping out of the bushes at him the moment he loses a trail )

spike, lucian

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Comments 3

samianscar June 24 2011, 05:27:47 UTC
Hey, Lucian. Aww, look, poor you. Want a battle cry?

Here's one now!

Something demony goes whizzing by. It may well be the very last remaining hellcat from that big abyssal battle. And tearing after it, a familiar whistling and slapping of wind on leather. Atop, the streaking flare of sun on peroxide.

The second blur tackles the first blur. A more rolling-type blur ensues, all over the ground. All sorts of growling hissing shrieking snarling and occasionally guffawing sounds dart in and out.

Then the action-amoeba executes some neat instantaneous binary-fission. Spike is thrown skyward and goes sailing through the air.

He lands a little distance from Lucian with an oomph.

Less a moment later, he's flipped himself to his feet and materialises, crouched, looking at Lucian, on a nearby rock.

As if they've known each other forever and this is all perfectly normal, "Oi, can I borrow this?"

Without waiting for an answer, Spike's hand shoots out to grab Lucian's spear.


Sorry, work ate me. lightofvengence June 27 2011, 04:54:56 UTC
The sudden appearance of Spike and the hellcat - as well as pretty much everything else that follows - is so fast and unexpected that Lucian just ends up freezing. He watches the shrieking dervish that might loosely be called a "fight" without really noticing much of it. It takes a few minutes for his brain to finally kick back into gear and catch up.

Just in time for Lucian to catch Spike making a grab for Jormugandr.

He swings the weapon out of Spike's reach, rolling with the motion until he's standing upright. "Like hell. Nobody uses my weapons but me!"

Speaking of weapons plural, Lucian shifts into a stance that's more appropriate for a scythe than for a spear. Which is rather nifty, since a few seconds later that's exactly what he's holding. The swap happens so fast it almost looks like the spear just changed shape. He eyes up the hellcat and snaps the scythe's four blades apart into a vicious metallic claw.

It's on now.


Me too!!! Hopefully this means we're well matched ;-) samianscar July 1 2011, 12:23:59 UTC
Spike shrugged.

"Suit yourself, mate."

And he dove headfirst off the boulder, came up out of a forward roll, now with a rock in his hand, and without waiting to see what Lucian intended to do with that scythe, charged back at the hellcat.

The rolling around continues, and the yowling, and the kapowing. In the dust storm that ensued, neither Spike nor Hellcat were, for at time, distinctly visible.

Until, with an unearthly yowl, one of them is again ejected from the whirlwind of pummeling; and this time it's the hellcat that's thrown through the air, to land very nearly at Lucian's feet.


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