
Jun 23, 2011 18:50

Who: Lucian (lightofvengence ) and Spike (samianscar )
When: ...I'm not entirely sure anymore.
Where: The ruins.
Format: Prose, why not?
What: Lucian's hunting monsters in the ruins. So is Spike. Chance encounter, anyone?
Warnings: If Lucian doesn't swear, I'll be shocked.

Lucian sighs, swinging his spear up against his shoulder. He'd been tracking a pack of wolves for over an hour when the trail had split in two. Following one had lead to a dead end, and by the time Lucian had doubled back to the fork the other trail had faded back into the underbrush. That meant an hour running around the ruins on a wild goose chase. Yeah, exactly how he wants to spend his time.

The swordsman slumps down onto a rock, Nero swooping down to land beside him. Now they have to start the hunt all over again. That means more wandering around looking for signs of prey, more tracking, and more wasted time. Wonderful.

spike, lucian

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