[multiple threads] follow, mopping up

Feb 02, 2011 23:12

Who: Lupin, everyone to whom I owe a log, and a few I don't ;-) (Sorry for medleyizing!)
When: After the official golem all-clear-but missing Bella's return post.
Where: see below
Format: Anything you like
What: Lupin walks off former bedriddenness. Hunts down folks where forge messaging feels insufficient.
Warnings: These are just starting points ( Read more... )

lust, draco malfoy, !remus lupin, lucian, deneve, heine rammsteiner

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Comments 52

Leaving the Clinic lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 04:13:20 UTC
The night after the battle in the marketplace was probably the best sleep he'd had since being injured. The sun dawned, and without thinking about it, he simply got up, got dressed, and prepared to leave ( ... )


Hiking the Ruins lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 04:15:06 UTC
The thin soles of his shoes crunch over uneven ground. His cane would have been excellent here. He plods without it. It's his first trip into the ruins but he's researched them well. Better to keep his hands free, and he already gives too much of an impression of easy prey ( ... )


Re: Hiking the Ruins lightofvengence February 6 2011, 18:29:48 UTC
After a week had passed with no real incidents, Lucian had decided that the panic over his "condition" was likely confined to the civilians. A little more time and he could work on diffusing the situation with the Scorched as it came up.

So having someone coming into the ruins to look for him did not register as a "good thing."

"That depends on exactly what you want to talk about."

He remains hidden. No offense Lupin, but he hasn't stayed alive this long by implicitly trusting everyone who says "I'm not gonna hurt you." You'll have to earn it.


lumenrelegandus February 6 2011, 18:38:55 UTC
Lupin stayed perfectly still. Having lived (debatably) this long didn't usually involve inaction in the face of having someone apparently very close to you whom you couldn't see. Locating Lucian would be a quick spell, but again: skipping ahead.

"I'm given to understand," said Lupin, still loudly to be audible over the wind, but otherwise as if they were talking over tea in a drawing room somewhere, "that my recent… injury, was the opportunity used to turn opinion against you. I just felt I… owed you. To say I'm sorry for that. And I may have some understanding of your situation."


lightofvengence February 6 2011, 18:51:40 UTC
Well. That was certainly not what Lucian expected.

"You are the only person I have ever met to apologize for being stabbed in the throat." He will never be anything but blunt. "It's not as though you had any choice in the matter. As for my 'situation' - I have no idea what you're talking about."

He knows exactly what Lupin means. He's just hoping he's wrong.


At Patrol HQ lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 04:16:06 UTC
He'd never made the conscious decision to watch the forge record. It wasn't up for consideration. Not even as he picked up his forge and did it. There are times when eyes can't stay closed.

Seeing himself injured didn't trouble him or didn't register. It was Io, all her-her panic and outrage and anguish-seeing her covered in blood again, in this incarnation of herself, in this world, and whether this was a rational thought or not be damned it was because of him…-was what nearly made him throw the forge aside. He stuck to the purpose and watched with white-knuckled calm.

He didn't know anything about the group called Claymores; hadn't even met any of them (while conscious) before. Still, Deneve's clothing, maybe a uniform, and if so, was one he associated with the Patrol.

This was certainly observer bias, probably racial profiling. He couldn't help some kind of smile at being on the other side of it. Like right now, as he stood in HQ and addressed the first woman he saw in the same uniform. "Excuse me."


-------> to the Foxhole after Irene directs him there twoswordjuniper February 8 2011, 07:47:44 UTC
It was still rather early in the evening, so it was unsurprising that the bar was still relatively quiet. There were a few regulars occupying the stools along the bar itself, but the majority of the room was empty of activity. Deneve sat off to the side, watching with guarded eyes. Sometimes it was almost unbearably boring spending so much time in a bar. She was beginning to think of picking up her swords and wandering the ruins just to cure her boredom.


At the Foxhole! [thank you!] lumenrelegandus February 8 2011, 07:53:38 UTC
The door swung open. The man who paused to be framed in it cast a rather less-than-gun-slinger-y shadow. He looked around, taking in the room, until he caught sight of Deneve. After a moment's confirmation, he let the door close gently behind him and started toward her.


At the Foxhole! [no problem!] twoswordjuniper February 8 2011, 09:42:21 UTC
She recognized him as the man who Iolanthe had been so concerned for. The gravely injured one who she had taken to the clinic some time ago. He seemed to be making his way toward her so she gave a curt nod in his direction to acknowledge him and waited for him to reach her and speak.


Cornering Draco lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 04:17:29 UTC
Draco Malfoy was not the kind of young man not to draw attention to himself. Nor, though he might protest to the contrary, was he terribly unpredictable. People of leisure tended to be people of habit. It was not difficult for Lupin to sleuth a little, and infer the rest, in order to turn up before lunchtime at the right dining establishment; and be already sitting, unconcernedly engrossed in a book, at Draco's usual table.

[ooc: we talked about this a while ago, but I'm not sure we really settled on it...? So if I should change this in any way, let me know and I'd be more than glad!]


in_leatherpants February 3 2011, 17:43:55 UTC
Draco liked routine. In fact, it was one of the things that he found himself needing more than anything-- especially in a place like this. He enjoyed nearly all of the same things every day. The same food, the same time that he went to sleep and he read almost the same number of pages per book every evening before bed.

So when he came up to find that there was someone sitting at his favoured table, his brows drew together and he found himself scowling down at an unwanted familiar head.

"You're in my seat."

((ooc: I totally want to do it and this is totally fine! ♥))


lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 21:21:14 UTC
Lupin set down his book and gave a tired smile. "I thank you for the loan of it." He gestured to the opposite chair for Draco to join him. A cup of tea was already (or suddenly) steaming there.

[ooc: :D! ]


in_leatherpants February 4 2011, 16:58:44 UTC
Brows drawing together, Draco moved closer to the table, but did not yet sit down. He wasn't sure what he thought about this, aside from the fact that he was more than slightly irritated at the moment, and Merlin only knew what the bloody werewolf was trying to do-- or trick him into, even.

"I don't remember loaning it to you," he sneered, moving to finally sit, eying the tea warily.


Walking in Dismas lumenrelegandus February 3 2011, 04:19:57 UTC
It had been nearly a month. If Heine had come this way at all, there was no reason to suspect he'd still be here. So why had Lupin come?

Something to do with the bullets he'd stolen a look at before leaving the Clinic-the ones that had been removed from Io and Scar when he and Riza dragged them in.

Something to do with the sensation of the recent combat, remembering another.

So much to do with Lestrange.


A bit reckless, Lupin walked through the Dismas with the same unconcern he'd had in the Ruins. He even had his wand out, this time; lumos-lit to show the way. He used Moony's tracking, his wand's memory of spellcasting on Heine, and occasionally even asking around. He didn't worry about being conspicuous. If he couldn't find Heine, maybe Heine would find him.


Walking in Dismas stray_gunner February 5 2011, 15:55:45 UTC
The inside of his mind is still a jumble of terror and terrifying, eyes not quite right as he ghosts through the underground streets. He's gotten into more fights since firing at those two that he'd met weeks before (when there was no one but you and me and nothing but memories of Her) and rebroken his arm once or twice.

(He's forgotten. Again.)

He'd left Dismas for only hours at a time, once to make sure that his arm actually healed correctly and again to talk to that woman and Scar. It hadn't gone that badly, admittedly, but he still didn't want to think about actually talking to more people for another week at least. Which is why he's still underground now, and catching sight of unnatural light on the streets nearby, moving away as quickly as he can.


lumenrelegandus February 5 2011, 17:36:50 UTC
A glimpse of white hair retreating from the light- Lupin lowered his wand slightly and called, "Heine?"


stray_gunner February 6 2011, 15:13:07 UTC
The strange light had been unmistakable, and the voice too familiar. Heine didn't look back and kept moving, only hesitating when he reached an unfamiliar intersection. He wasn't running. Yet.


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