[OPEN] Vampire Fight

Nov 07, 2010 15:34

 Who: Lucian, and whoever wants to join in!
When: Most of Sunday and a bit into Monday
Where: Out in the ruins
Format: Action
What: Lucian's taking the fight to the vampire and...not exactly doing as well as he'd expected. Feel free to back him up!
Warnings: Fighting and violence, and since Lucian's here there will be swearing. Oh, and Lucian's here.
When two hunters fight, who is the hunted? )

lust, irene, lucian, trevor belmont, deneve

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Comments 22

halcyonthird November 7 2010, 22:06:29 UTC
[She's beside him as if she'd been there from the start, yet the sound of metal clanging against metal can be heard distinctly - and the vampire strikes with it's hooves, catching nothing but air, halting against ...air?

The woman remains still, face impassive as she speaks.]

I'm not in your way, am I?

[She still hasn't moved. But the sound has. And the creature reacts by launching another series of arrows that seem to strike something unseen in front of Irene, and fall to the ground bent, useless.]



[ooc: It's kind of like this at like 2:16]


lightofvengence November 7 2010, 23:33:40 UTC
[He glares at the woman. He didn't want anyone else in on this fight - it's his fight, not theirs!

But he's not sure how long his arm will hold out right now. Having someone else here might have some benefits. And the technique she was using...at the very least it'll keep Rymer occupied.]

As long as you don't try to stop me or steal my kill, I think you'll be safely out of the way.

[And with that he's moving again, circling around to strike the vampire from behind while she's got him distracted.]


poweroflegend November 8 2010, 12:38:27 UTC
[With a fearsome twirl, the vampiric centaur lifts its drill and gallops forward at full speed, seeking to break through Irene's defense. It's only halfway there when there's a quick flash of blue and the sound of shattering glass. The centaur suddenly rears up, front legs pawing at the air, as blue flames roll up and down its half-horse body.]

[Trevor Belmont drops in beside Irene, whip and holy water at the ready. The vampire's armor saved it from the worst of the blaze, but hurting it wasn't his priority in the first place. He knew what Lucian was up to, and this was insurance that the prey would keep its eyes up front.]


OH GOD SO LATE T__T lightofvengence November 10 2010, 22:32:12 UTC
[Lucian just barely has time to register the sudden wash of blue fire covering Rymer's body when he spots the perfect opening. He swings Vanargand up and over his head - wincing at the pain that the stress on his arm brings him - and brings it down hard on the armor's right flank. The steel screeches, the metal dents from the force...and he feels his sword catch. Grinning like a madman he twists the blade and yanks it across the hind leg's outer plating. Even with his arm protesting every inch he still manages to open up a rent in the metal.]

[Only then does Lucian look over at Trevor. He sends him a rather nasty glare, a warning: Stay in the back and out of my way. He'll let you cover him, Trevor, but only if you don't do anything that looks like trying to steal his kill.]


sonvisage November 9 2010, 16:43:49 UTC
[This seemed to keep happening. She hadn't intended to fight anything at all and yet here she was. Because what? Because Belmont willed it so? Fine. After the past few days ...it certainly had its appeal.

She launches her first attack without moving from her vantage point - claws striking the (what is that?) armor but missing the joints between. Flames burn the tips, break them as the thing fires at her. She takes particular offense at the fire and doesn't bother to deflect the flurry of bolts. They hurt when they strike her, and the pain is somehow refreshing.

She moves forward, the plucking out the arrows and casting them to the ground. By the time she reaches the monster - and Trevor's side, she's stopped bleeding.]

Hello Mr. Belmont. We have to stop meeting like this.

[She turns on the vampire. Have ten blades to the foot, you and your fucking flames. Let's see how agile you are with three feet. Because, really, she's trying. No fire today, thankyou.]


I am so very late with my lateness. *bows* lightofvengence November 10 2010, 22:50:02 UTC
[Have a completely confused Lucian, Lust. Confused because what the hell did she just do with her nails and fuck did she just regenerate?!

It's only when Rymer takes a stab at him (literally) with his lance that Lucian turns his attention back to the fight. He'll deal with whatever the hell Lust is later, because right how he's got a hole in a sheet of metal to take advantage of.

One good swing and the sound of protesting gears later, those three legs are down to two.]


I see no lateness! *shifty look* sonvisage November 11 2010, 14:30:36 UTC
[One and a half, Lucian. Because she really doesn't like the fire. or that she's caught up in this. Thing. That she let herself get caught up in.]


Me neither! *shifty look in mirror* poweroflegend November 11 2010, 19:36:47 UTC
[A roguish quirk of brow showing agreement with Lust.]


[Then a searing whiplash to one of the unharmed legs. That's half a leg now, and it's showing.]


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