[OPEN] Vampire Fight

Nov 07, 2010 15:34

 Who: Lucian, and whoever wants to join in!
When: Most of Sunday and a bit into Monday
Where: Out in the ruins
Format: Action
What: Lucian's taking the fight to the vampire and...not exactly doing as well as he'd expected. Feel free to back him up!
Warnings: Fighting and violence, and since Lucian's here there will be swearing. Oh, and Lucian's here.

[Lucian recognized the sound of Rymer's Casket Armor the second he heard it. He dove to the side just moments before the massive mech-armor broke through the trees, smirking.]

Found you, you sorry bastard.

[Lucian took a deep breath and reached deep inside himself, mentally filtering and sorting through the Dark Matter until he'd found what he was looking for and pulled it free of is body. The second he felt the solid weight in his hands he lunged forward, swinging the newly-summoned Vanargand at the mechanical legs.

The vampire answered the strike by rearing up, striking at Lucian's head with its hooves. The hunter moved with the weight of his sword and rolled away. He readied himself to charge in for another swing--]


[Streaks of pain blossomed along his left arm as the arrows flew past, slicing the arm and deflecting off the armor covering his side. The shock of the strike stalled him for only  a moment before he ran back into the fray.]

You're gonna pay for that!

lust, irene, lucian, trevor belmont, deneve

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