Jul 31, 2009 08:04

Who: Souji Seta, OPEN
When: Lunchtime
Where: Outlander Community Block, first floor.
Format: Paragraph
What: Souji and Oruha finally open the cafeteria they've been working hard on. Also, mingle time!
Warnings: P4 cast, maybe a few odd things in the food (which probably is the food), and so on.

He's never done anything this big before. Well. Not as an extracurricular activity. But then again, people didn't know that most of the things he has done was basically that: extracurricular.

Then again, no one ever asked what his goal in life was, so he was free to do as many as he wanted.

souji seta, teddie, miranda lotto, rude, sora, naoto shirogane, yosuke hanamura

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Comments 22

rewindpendulum December 18 2009, 03:34:58 UTC
Her 116th job.

Miranda pulled her hands into fists as she tentatively wandered into the cafeteria. Oh yes! She could do it! There would be no glass-shattering, drink-spilling, or general chaos-creating here today! After all, Souji and Oruha were giving her this chance which made it doubly important for her to live up to their expectations.

She could see Souji towards the back of the room, looking pleased with himself. And he should! This place looks wonderful. There's so much...I haven't seen Jerry cook this much before.

Moving quickly and as carefully as she could (Miranda looked a little ridiculous tiptoeing), Miranda approached Souji with a smile.

"The cafeteria - it's wonderful, Souji!"


socialinksarego December 19 2009, 10:09:22 UTC
He peered up, lighting up at the sight of Miranda. One of the special ladies tonight, he thought to himself with a private, pleased smile. She actually came; ridiculous tiptoeing aside, she looked much better, smiling like that. Now Souji just had to make sure that she kept her mood up.

"Miranda," he greeted, pulling on his apron - some silly thing Oruha made from scrap cloth that somehow looked good. "Just in time. Are you ready?" Leaving the counter behind, he pulled out another apron, this one embroidered with Miranda's name, and held it up like a prize.


rewindpendulum December 20 2009, 22:00:59 UTC
Miranda was touched and it showed on her face. Eyes watering a little (and sparkling!), she held up her hands tentatively to receive the apron.

"It's so pretty Souji! You didn't have to...it even has my name on it!" She beamed. Miranda had never received many presents in her life and even though it was an apron, it was still a kind gesture.

"I just hope that I don't spill anything on it."


socialinksarego December 21 2009, 08:13:56 UTC
He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling slightly. "You are part of the team, so it's only necessary to give you a 'uniform'. Oruha made it."

Souji helped her put it on, tying it on the back with nimble fingers. "Don't worry about spilling anything on it. We can just launder it after - the apron's there to protect your clothes." Stepping back to admire her in it, he smiled, nodding in approval. "Looks good."


ruudo December 18 2009, 18:18:04 UTC
The footsteps echoed in the corridor ominously. It wasn't as if he intended on that effect, it just seemed to follow him everywhere, like a moogle to a kupo nut. He sniffed the air. Something was cooking, and he hadn't eaten for days. He certainly felt like it.

Squinting to see where the smoke was coming from, Rude headed up the stairs to find a cafeteria, quiet as hell. But then, he preferred it that way. He stepped in the doorway, looking around before taking a seat at a table facing toward the doorway. Old habits die hard, and this was one he wasn't willing to kill.

One thing he hated was dining etiquette. Was he supposed to find the counter? Should he wait to be served? Was he meant to sit down or wait to be seated? He thought on this a moment, stood up again, paused, started to sit once more, then headed for the door awkwardly.


fightswithkeys December 19 2009, 10:22:51 UTC

A bright grin and perky voice interrupted Rude's musings, as he was greeted by a teenager with a make-shift notepad. Sora certainly hadn't waitered before, he figured he could get the hang of it after watching Souji for a while. The order-taking seemed easy enough, and delivering the food easier, so long as he didn't spill anything.

Lifting a pen to the note pad, Sora nodded his head at his first customer. "What can I get you?"


ruudo December 19 2009, 13:42:19 UTC

The kid couldn't have been taller than 5'5"; Rude had almost stepped on him. He looked over the kid's head, noticing more people coming through the door, then resolved to sit back down.

"What's today's special?"

He figured that was a safe response. You never know what they sell at these foreign places, and Rude had never given it much thought. He wasn't even sure if they took Gil here! His stomach growled loudly. The entire population of the cafeteria turned to him. He tried to hide himself, failing miserably, then looking at the kid patiently.


fightswithkeys December 19 2009, 14:23:04 UTC
So Sora wasn't the tallest kid around, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't make a fine waiter. After a bit of experience, of course.

"A... special? Well, we've got pasta with tomato sauce and meat balls and pumpkin soup. Does that count as special?" he asked, tapping his pen against his lip as he glanced over at the kitchen. "We've got some vegetables as well. And you can choose between tea, milk and water."

He couldn't help but grin when the man's stomach growled, tilting his head at him. "I can get you some of everything," he offered. He could empathize. The first few days he'd been here, he was starving.


unbearlievable December 18 2009, 22:28:18 UTC
The first thing that attracted Teddie's attention to the place was the smells. The smells of food, of people, of activity! Maybe even a cute girl or two, if he was lucky! At the very least, maybe Yosuke or one of the others would be there, so he could talk to them and see how they were doing.

His suit making its usual squeaks as he walked, Teddie surveyed the inside of the building. It looked nice - and it smelled delicious! Of course, eating meant he'd have to take off the suit except when necessary, which he hadn't been too keen on doing since his arrival, like when he ate, but... Well, he was hungry right now, darn it!

But then a thought came to Teddie. Was he supposed to pay for this food? Was it free? Could he go and take some and then leave...? What was he supposed to do?

"Oh no... This is bad, this is beary bad...!" he muttered to himself, retreating to a more empty part of the cafeteria so he could pace without disturbing anyone.


innerdiscofrog December 19 2009, 05:30:17 UTC
Yosuke had been having a good day. Well, as good as was possible given that he was trapped in a strange city with strange people (and Naoto, and Teddie...who was pretty strange) and natives who glared at him wherever he went. Hey, it was just like home, minus Junes and TV and stuff like that.

But hey. Things weren't too bad. And he'd even found a new place. Filled with...you know, food, people, that sort of thin--...

...was that squeaking he heard? And hey, wasn't that Ted pacing over there? Then again, how many walking, talking bears were there?

Yosuke headed towards the bear and said (in a tone which sounded far more relieved than he'd prefer), "Hey Ted! I'm glad to see you."


ideating December 19 2009, 21:20:56 UTC
Naoto's day had been going well, all things considered. She was still searching for a good location to put the detective agency that she had been working on. Repairs seemed like they would be necessary. She pulled her hat down - it was a habit, after having done it for so many years at this point - and headed into the cafeteria. It was a good idea for the numerous outlanders currently located in Anatole.

She looked over, hearing the voices of Yosuke and Teddie, and headed over to where they were. "Hello. It is good to see that both of you have decided to come as well."


unbearlievable December 22 2009, 03:22:02 UTC
Teddie's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice - and not just any voice, a most familiar and welcome voice at that! Perking up at the sound of it, Teddie turned to look at his friend and wave cheerfully at him. If he couldn't eat (yet, at least, he still wasn't sure) at least the food had brought him his friend and fellow Inaba resident. ... Or was it ex-Inaba resident now? Hmmm. He'd have to ask.

"Yosuke! Where have you been?" The bear replied cheerfully at Yosuke's greeting, crossing his arms behind his back and looking around. Before he could open his mouth and say something else, however, another familiar face joined their little get-together. "O-ho, it's my lucky day! Hello Nao-chan!"


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