[08 → voice]

Jan 24, 2010 20:31

Another murder then.

[her voice is a little tired, but then she remembers why she was making this post in the first place, so she tries to cheer up a little]I probably should have posted about this sooner, seeing as there have been so many new arrivals lately, but it completely slipped my mind ( Read more... )

namine, sasori, abel, !oruha, elena, damon salvatore, angeal hewley, mei chan

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Comments 58

[ voice ] custoshonour January 24 2010, 19:19:00 UTC
You say you're hiring, ma'am? What are the hours, if I may know?


[ voice ] marked_songbird January 24 2010, 23:00:31 UTC
We are! The hours are pretty flexible, actually, since I know some people (myself included!) have more than one jobs.

And no need to be so formal. We're all friends here.


[ voice ] custoshonour January 24 2010, 23:28:33 UTC
Understood, Oruha. My name is Angeal.

I'm fairly new here myself, but I do have some expertise in cooking. What other services are you looking for?


[ voice ] marked_songbird January 24 2010, 23:32:42 UTC
It's a pleasure to meet you, then.

More cooks are always welcome, though we do need people to help wait on tables and clean up, too.


(The comment has been removed)

( Voice ) marked_songbird January 24 2010, 22:57:54 UTC
I don't mind sharing the kitchen, and you can use some of the space in the refrigerator as long as it's not too much.

What's your name?


(The comment has been removed)

( Voice ) marked_songbird January 24 2010, 23:10:44 UTC
It's nice to meet you then, Abel.

And that might be a little problem, since we mostly use the refrigerator for meat, too.

I think I could spare some space, but maybe you could smoke or dry the rest somehow so it won't go bad?


[voice] dollchains January 24 2010, 21:52:42 UTC
Hiring... is it all right if I help out, Oruha? I won't get in the way.


[voice] marked_songbird January 24 2010, 22:58:40 UTC
Of course you can, Namine. And, silly, I'm sure you'll be a big help.


[voice] dollchains January 24 2010, 23:18:02 UTC
Ah! Thank you very much. [There's a little noise on the other end -- Namine seems a little incredulous.] I'm not sure about that. I'm not really good at much. But I'll try my best.


[voice] marked_songbird January 24 2010, 23:21:09 UTC
It's nothing a little experience won't help. I'm sure you'll be fine.


wellsuited January 25 2010, 00:35:35 UTC
Can I...ask you something?


[voice] marked_songbird January 25 2010, 00:41:02 UTC
Of course, Elena. What is it?


[voice] wellsuited January 25 2010, 00:44:44 UTC
Well, it's about your cafeteria. I think you started that about the same time I started my mahjong palace. And you're so successful and I'm still...

[She trails off.]

How did you get it up and running?


[voice] marked_songbird January 25 2010, 02:16:51 UTC
[she hums thoughtfully]

Well, it helps that we didn't have to build the cafeteria itself, just rent a few rooms for it.

Souji and I also had some help from Mr. Terrence and a couple other natives we worked for in finding things like stoves and utensils when we made it clear we just wanted to mostly help our fellow Scorched and not take away their business from them.

And it helps that we can get meat from the ruins, so that cuts down on costs, too.

We're also not very successful in that we have lots of ivories - we just have enough to keep going.

I hope that helps.


[Voice] pandamaiden January 25 2010, 01:34:38 UTC
I would like to help out, too, Oruha-san.


[Voice] marked_songbird January 25 2010, 02:18:26 UTC
It's Mei, isn't it? We'd be happy to have you along.


[Voice] pandamaiden January 25 2010, 02:51:10 UTC
Yes. Thank you very much. If there is anything you need, don't be afraid to ask.


[Voice] marked_songbird January 25 2010, 03:45:59 UTC
I'll keep that in mind, thank you. The same goes for you.

We can talk about your salary when you get here, if that's all right with you?


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