one; arrival { video } fear starts creeping up when you have so much to lose

Dec 25, 2011 23:26

[filtered from isobel. h8 you mom.]

[This is Elena Gilbert. Young, pale, wide-eyed, and utterly unsure of where she is, what this is, or what's going on. A hand pushes and worries through her hair. A gauzy bandage is taped to her neck. Her voice is strained with determination (desperation? she's not sure of the difference right now, lately) for ( Read more... )

damon salvatore, caroline forbes, matt donovan, !elena gilbert

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Comments 113

stopkissingme December 26 2011, 05:19:52 UTC
[private to Elena]


Elena! Oh my God! Is that really you?


private forever ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 05:27:05 UTC
Caroline? [Oh god, she's so relieved and grateful right now. Elena could kiss this clunky phone-thing, but instead she just leans in closer.] Thank god you got my message. What the hell is going on? Are you okay? [Last she remembers, Rebekah had her and Tyler.]


stopkissingme December 26 2011, 05:34:49 UTC
I'm okay! We've been kidnapped. It's really complicated. But it's not Klaus. Where are you? Show me the room you're in. [If it's one the apartments she'll be there in a jiffy.]


ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 05:39:25 UTC
[Kidnapped? Okay. What else is new? Not Klaus? Great. That's both a sarcastic thought and not at all.] I'm- I'll check. [She gets up to stride towards the door and open it, peek out into the empty hall. Caroline sees this all. And the room number.

Now here's Elena's face again.] I don't know what building. Please tell me you know where I am.


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private forever { ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 16:10:22 UTC
Damon. [And this face is decidedly relieved and grateful and pained in almost equal measure. She's too much of those things to do much but breathe his name, but then she's pushing back her hair shakily and plowing through both emotions and topics.] I'm in some building, I don't know where. [She rattles off the room number.] I called Caroline. Isobel's here? Damon, what's going on? How long have you been here?

[And no, she's not answering his question yet. Hers are more important. :|]


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private forever except nosey isobel { ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 23:53:52 UTC
Yeah, she's right here.

[Elena sees that brief look, ok. Especially because she just made it in reference to Caroline's presence too. But you know, she doesn't really care right now. It was just a look.]

Okay. [She nods, mostly to reassure herself.] When you get here.


f_eye_candy December 26 2011, 08:12:01 UTC
Mmm, I think you might find this helpful.


ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 16:15:43 UTC
Thank you so much. I feel so lost. What's your name?


f_eye_candy December 26 2011, 17:35:56 UTC
Believe me, you're not alone in feeling that way. I'm Fai D Flourite, but Fai is quite enough. [Have a small bow and then a cheerful wave.] And what's your name?


ourgirlfriend December 26 2011, 17:48:33 UTC
[Have a smile.] I'm Elena. It's nice to meet you. So you're not from here either? There are others?


lameguymove December 27 2011, 16:03:33 UTC
Elena? [ Have one seriously concerned Matt. He's going to deal with the Yay, Elena's here! part later. ] What happened? Are you okay?


ourgirlfriend December 27 2011, 17:19:31 UTC
Matt! [Have one seriously happy-to-see-you Elena. A relieved, bittersweet smile breaks out over her lips.] I'm okay, I'm fine, just- [All lies.] -Klaus.

How are you? Caroline says the last thing you remember is my party.


lameguymove December 28 2011, 16:02:49 UTC
Klaus? What do you mean, Klaus? [ He eyes the bandage on her neck and, yep. There it is. ] He did that to you?

[ More specifically getting high with Jeremy and walking back to the Gilbert family home for ice cream, but... ] Should I remember more than that?


ourgirlfriend December 28 2011, 16:28:52 UTC
He- [It's salt in the wound to explain this to everyone, but she has to remember.] He compelled Stefan. To attack me.

You don't, and neither does Caroline or Damon, but a lot has happened since my birthday. School would have started tomorrow, Klaus is trying to make hybrids. It's why he came back. He needed my blood.

He- he turned Tyler, Matt.


by_theangel December 28 2011, 16:21:36 UTC
Answers seem to be in frighteningly short supply around here.


ourgirlfriend December 28 2011, 16:33:10 UTC
Tell me about it. [Spoken so dryly. But there's a smile there too.] I guess you don't have many to share?


by_theangel December 29 2011, 19:12:20 UTC
Just the standard spiel, but I'm pretty good at making things up. You'd never know the difference, and I an supply comforting platitudes if that's what you're into.


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