one; arrival { video } fear starts creeping up when you have so much to lose

Dec 25, 2011 23:26

[filtered from isobel. h8 you mom.]

[This is Elena Gilbert. Young, pale, wide-eyed, and utterly unsure of where she is, what this is, or what's going on. A hand pushes and worries through her hair. A gauzy bandage is taped to her neck. Her voice is strained with determination (desperation? she's not sure of the difference right now, lately) for answers.]

I need to-

[She swallows and there's a pause in which all other words get stuck in her throat. Get home. Last she remembers, she was at the hospital, and a nurse was taking her blood and sedating her. For Klaus. Elena's lips purse and she shakes her head. She's steeling herself, because she can't be this: shaken by everything that's happened. (Not when Klaus is probably out there, responsible for this.

Why would he leave her a phone? And Caroline's here, and Damon… But there's Isobel. Maybe this is -- maybe this isn't Klaus. She doesn't know.) Elena looks back to the Forge.]

I need answers. If you have any. It would mean a lot. I've been looking… [through the network.] This is a city. Anatole? My name's Elena.

[private to caroline and damon]
Caroline, Damon -- please, if you see this. I'm in some room. I don't know where.

damon salvatore, caroline forbes, matt donovan, !elena gilbert

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