[ 2nd Roar - Video ] backdated to early afternoon Christmas Eve!

Dec 25, 2011 02:27

[So remember this dumbass who was yelling about bunnies but not actually referring to rabbits the other day? Well, he's back. This time, in the clinic. What's visible of his torso, hands, arms, neck, and part of his face can be seen wrapped in bandages, a clue towards the very stupid thing he attempted to do that landed him here.

But Kotetsu looks in pretty good spirits about it anyway, and the Forge is sitting against a makeshift table/writing board on his lap, where he seems to be writing out a card. Next to it is a...very shoddily wrapped present with a crooked bow. Don't judge him, okay, manual dexterity is hard when your fingers are bandaged. Especially when you're ordinarily clumsy anyway.

When he finishes the card, he sets it on top of the box, both of which he then moves to the bedside table before addressing the Forge.]

I understand Anatole brings in people from a bunch of different places. [Worlds, even. He still needs some time to process that one.]

So I was wondering...what do all of you do for the holidays where you're from? Do any of you celebrate Christmas?

Maaa, back home, we have Christmas trees decked with lights all around, and there's a mall with a skating rink and a clocktower with a date countdown.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good time, whether or not you celebrate.

[...he's. kind of worried about Barnaby dealing with today alone, honestly, but that's neither here nor there, so he doesn't bring it up.]

Oi, that reminds me. Miata, Ginko, Renji, and...Tabitha? [He's. checking his cards just to make sure he got the right names.] I got a few small things for you as thanks and Merry Christmas, if you wouldn't mind coming by to pick them up. Otherwise I can see about having someone here drop them off, but I wouldn't want to trouble them too much.

[A little. Self-deprecating chuckle from someone who tends to get himself injured a lot.]

...Aa, if anyone knows a girl with green hair, I'd appreciate it if you could send her my way, as well. I kind of owe her more than a thank-you.

byakuya kuchiki, ginko, juushirou ukitake, !kotetsu t. kaburagi

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