[ 2nd Roar - Video ] backdated to early afternoon Christmas Eve!

Dec 25, 2011 02:27

[So remember this dumbass who was yelling about bunnies but not actually referring to rabbits the other day? Well, he's back. This time, in the clinic. What's visible of his torso, hands, arms, neck, and part of his face can be seen wrapped in bandages, a clue towards the very stupid thing he attempted to do that landed him here ( Read more... )

byakuya kuchiki, ginko, juushirou ukitake, !kotetsu t. kaburagi

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Comments 7

lilbloodeyes December 25 2011, 20:07:45 UTC
Trees....? Things?

[She tilts her head, and rubs her nose. Hrm. This is confusing.]

Coming. Now?


Video obsessed_gamer December 26 2011, 02:55:38 UTC
Christmas isn't exactly a celebrated holiday in Japan. It's more for romantics then anything, I guess.

[Which is why he avoids it, sob. Between Anzu and his other...]

What happened?


[Video] heading toward [Action]? iattractmushi December 26 2011, 05:13:21 UTC

[Levels a look at the Hitomi.]

You're supposed to be resting, you know.

[Not... doing whatever it is you're doing.]


sakurabito December 26 2011, 11:45:01 UTC
[ Trees? Lights? Namine didn't tell him about all that. ]

What is the purpose of such a holiday?


pinnedbangs December 26 2011, 14:33:49 UTC
[It's a question that makes him somewhat nostalgic.]

My birthday is around this time, so we just combine the two days. We'd make cake, pass around presents, decorate a Christmas tree with lots of lights, dress up, and eat food.

[Oh memories~. ...And just one more concern.] I'll keep a look-out for whoever that girl is if you haven't already found her.


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