
Dec 21, 2011 17:41

[Loras is standing on the sidewalk near the outlander housing. he looks a bit cold in his white armor and cloak, but he favors the Forge with a bright smile.]

What a charming city. I would have preferred warmer weather, but I suppose that can't be helped. Still, it is pretty enough in the snow.

[he ducks his head slightlyMy name is Loras Tyrell ( Read more... )

rachel berry, renly baratheon, sansa stark, !loras tyrell, jaime lannister, stannis baratheon, eddard "ned" stark, nill

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Comments 113

andagoldstar December 21 2011, 22:44:52 UTC
-- You take it rather well.


theflowered December 21 2011, 22:59:51 UTC
[he is a Tyrell of Highgarden and a knight of the Kingsguard and he is not going to have his freakout in public, okay]

I do my best, my lady.


andagoldstar December 21 2011, 23:02:02 UTC
[ Another someone who calls her 'lady', fjflf ]

-- Rachel is fine.


theflowered December 21 2011, 23:13:03 UTC
[he might have a hard time with this, this shit is deeply ingrained in his psyche]

It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Rachel.


justicelobster December 21 2011, 23:03:45 UTC
[ Well.

That made seven of the nine Great Houses now, did it not?

No doubt Renly will be thrilled. Though he cannot say he feels the same sentiment. It was bad enough with Robert and Lord Stark, but Ser Loras and Renly were another matter entirely.

When he responds, his courtesy is incredibly stiff. ]

I am certain someone will answer your inquiries soon enough, Ser Loras.


theflowered December 21 2011, 23:18:42 UTC
[hey hey Stannis guess who just got done talking to Brienne about how it was your weird magic tricks that killed Renly]

You. I'll have your head, Kinslayer. How did you do it? Was it truly your shadow?


justicelobster December 21 2011, 23:35:37 UTC
[ He had something else he was planning on saying but all words had died when he heard that accursed word.


Since he had spoken to Lord Stark that one night, the thought had been nagging at the back of his mind, though he knew it shouldn't.Melisandre killed your brother. Over and over again he could hear Davos's words.

But she couldn't have. He couldn't have. She had been with him on that night when... and...

Melisandre killed your brother.

But it was impossible.

His hands were clean. ]

You dare accuse me of such, Tyrell?

[ His voice is like ice.

He brought his doom upon himself with his treason, but I loved him Davos, I know that now. ]


theflowered December 21 2011, 23:50:57 UTC
Lady Brienne swears it was your sorcery that killed my lord. She tells me it was your shadow, that the Lady Stark swore to it. His gorget was slit clean through, I saw it myself. Lady Brienne may be exceptionally strong for her sex, but she does not have strength enough to slice through armor. Have you a sorcerer in your employ, Lord Stannis?


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theflowered December 21 2011, 23:21:32 UTC
Thank you, Ser, that is most kind.


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theflowered December 21 2011, 23:38:51 UTC
Yes, it seems I arrived here with my sister Margaery. Have you spoken with her, then?


tyrellrose December 21 2011, 23:08:36 UTC
[action, once margaery is all settled in]

[ no words, just MARGAERY HUG ATTACK GO ]


theflowered December 21 2011, 23:22:05 UTC
[hugs forever]


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theflowered December 21 2011, 23:53:09 UTC
[somebody is going to have to keep him from murdering Stannis...}

...Lord Stark? I--you look well, Ser.

[what's going on


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theflowered December 22 2011, 00:01:04 UTC
His vile sorcery killed his brother, Ser. Your own lady wife did attest to it.

[but if Lord Stark still lives here, then perhaps...]


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