
Dec 21, 2011 17:41

[Loras is standing on the sidewalk near the outlander housing. he looks a bit cold in his white armor and cloak, but he favors the Forge with a bright smile.]

What a charming city. I would have preferred warmer weather, but I suppose that can't be helped. Still, it is pretty enough in the snow.

[he ducks his head slightly]

My name is Loras Tyrell. I would like to learn more of this place, if it please you. Perhaps some among you might know where I ought to direct my inquiries? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

[and he lifts his head again.]

I look forward to making your acquaintance, and I wish you all a pleasant day.

rachel berry, renly baratheon, sansa stark, !loras tyrell, jaime lannister, stannis baratheon, eddard "ned" stark, nill

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