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Comments 82

yetsleeping November 24 2011, 08:33:13 UTC


pinkflowergod November 24 2011, 08:35:38 UTC
[He smiles easily at the unfamiliar woman.] That's me. But I'm afraid I don't remember having met you--and I couldn't forget such a lovely face.

[He speaks lightheartedly, despite the worry well-hidden in his eyes. Ukitake hadn't been in good shape when he last saw him.]


yetsleeping November 24 2011, 08:38:11 UTC
...oh. Well, it's not that unusual that you wouldn't remember me, really. I mean, people come here and then they go away and come back without remembering, and plus we're not even sure they really come back or if they're other thems, if that makes sense which I think it doesn't especially since you just got here and don't remember!


[She takes a deep breath.]

I'm Priscilla. I've spoken to... well, anyway, you're back. I mean, you're here.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 05:42:49 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow. She doesn't show any of the signs of being drunk, but she wasn't making any sense. And he was pretty sure he'd never met her before.]

Slow down, Priscilla-san. Where is here?


Video supercilious November 24 2011, 12:21:26 UTC
Did you just say... "yah reh"?


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 05:43:28 UTC
Mm, yes I did. Kyouraku Shunsui, at your service. And who are you?


supercilious November 25 2011, 14:22:06 UTC
Arthur Pendragon. What does it mean?


pinkflowergod November 27 2011, 01:05:55 UTC
Mm, it's a sort of thinking sound. And I'm pleased to meet you, Arthur-kun.


[Video] sewing_prince November 24 2011, 15:28:01 UTC

[Huh. Well, at least if the door had to bring someone in from their world, it wasn't that damned 12th Division Captain.]


[Video] pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 05:43:55 UTC
Ah, Ishida-kun. Where are we?


[Video] sewing_prince November 26 2011, 00:36:01 UTC
Welcome to Anatole.

I take it you don't remember being here before.


[Video] pinkflowergod November 27 2011, 01:06:22 UTC
I don't--although it seems other people remember me being here before.


video; fivepetals November 25 2011, 06:34:25 UTC
[ surprise, a whole bunch of it. ]


[ she isn't sure whether his timing is good or bad, but--

she gives a slight bow of her head. ]

The city we are currently stationed in is called Anatole. I-I'm afraid that we'll be stuck here for awhile.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 06:37:43 UTC
Ah, Hinamori-chan!

[He grins at her and waves, honestly happy to see her. And she didn't look as bad as she had for a while back after Aizen's betrayal.]

Anatole, eh? Any idea how we got here?


fivepetals November 25 2011, 06:46:13 UTC
[ she gives a tiny half-wave back-- it's accompanied by a small half-smile. ]

Oh, uhm! I have more than an idea, actually. But...

[ she fidgets a bit, hating to be the bearer of bad news. ]

I am not overly fond of the explanation, nor do I enjoy reporting it. Please know, Kyouraku-taichou, that this is the truth as I know it.

Those that are not native to Anatole, including Shinigami, have been drawn into the city by way of a dimensional gate. There is... no known way out. Some people stay here longer than others... I've been here for six months.

[ ah-- ]

So has Ukitake-taichou.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 06:48:57 UTC
[He blinks for a few moments, and for a second, he wonders if it's possible Hinamori isn't quite in her right mind. But she seems all right, and he's not where he was half an hour ago.]

Six months?

[But more than that, he needs to know...] He's all right? He was...injured when I left.


[[video] lets just pretend this happened the same day he arrived... princely_calyx November 25 2011, 08:20:05 UTC
You're in Anatole. It's most likely a place in a different dimension [Yes, that's how that man put it.] where a lot of yes have ended up. We're brought here by the door..Oh!

[A wild text link appears.]

That should probably explain it better than I could.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 23:07:33 UTC
[He spends a few moments reading it, although not very long. He may not enjoy paperwork, but two thousands years will make anyone a pretty fast reader.]

Yare, yare...this is quite a mess.

[But then he looks up and grins at her with a rather goofy smile.]

But if I'm going to be trapped, I'm lucky to be trapped with such a lovely lady~!


princely_calyx November 26 2011, 08:30:27 UTC
It's not too bad. Sometimes it's even nice here. And you get to meet a bunch of new people you wouldn't have.[Ever the optimist and frankly she would probably be dead in her world so she'll take it. For now.]

[Oh good. One of these guys. Well, maybe that's unfair. He could just be really complimentary of everyone or something. Still, best to watch herself around him. She does her best to smile politely]

Er. Thanks.


pinkflowergod November 27 2011, 01:09:05 UTC
[Shunsui isn't the kind of man who'd force his advances on a lady who didn't want them, but flirting and teasing is as natural as breathing for him.]

There is always that, hm?


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