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video; fivepetals November 25 2011, 06:34:25 UTC
[ surprise, a whole bunch of it. ]


[ she isn't sure whether his timing is good or bad, but--

she gives a slight bow of her head. ]

The city we are currently stationed in is called Anatole. I-I'm afraid that we'll be stuck here for awhile.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 06:37:43 UTC
Ah, Hinamori-chan!

[He grins at her and waves, honestly happy to see her. And she didn't look as bad as she had for a while back after Aizen's betrayal.]

Anatole, eh? Any idea how we got here?


fivepetals November 25 2011, 06:46:13 UTC
[ she gives a tiny half-wave back-- it's accompanied by a small half-smile. ]

Oh, uhm! I have more than an idea, actually. But...

[ she fidgets a bit, hating to be the bearer of bad news. ]

I am not overly fond of the explanation, nor do I enjoy reporting it. Please know, Kyouraku-taichou, that this is the truth as I know it.

Those that are not native to Anatole, including Shinigami, have been drawn into the city by way of a dimensional gate. There is... no known way out. Some people stay here longer than others... I've been here for six months.

[ ah-- ]

So has Ukitake-taichou.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 06:48:57 UTC
[He blinks for a few moments, and for a second, he wonders if it's possible Hinamori isn't quite in her right mind. But she seems all right, and he's not where he was half an hour ago.]

Six months?

[But more than that, he needs to know...] He's all right? He was...injured when I left.


fivepetals November 25 2011, 06:57:16 UTC
[ a slow nod: ] That's correct. The gate itself -- ah, it's more of a doorway really -- is capable of taking individuals from different moments in time.

[ how to... explain this? it's an oddity, really. she couldn't blame him, a captain, if he thought she were lying. ]

And while we spend time here, in the city, we are not missed at home. You... likely didn't know that I was even missing, did you? Or Ukitake-taichou, for that matter.

[ that last question. ]

He's... he'll be all right.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 07:01:02 UTC
I didn't know, no.

[For the moment, he'll have to accept it as truth, bizarre as it seems.]

[But his doubt about whether this is real or not is pushed aside by her comment about his best friend.] Will be all right?


1/2 fivepetals November 25 2011, 07:07:08 UTC
O-oh! He's not injured, if that's what you thought I meant.

[ no, the elder captain is certainly not injured. not like she is, but--]


fivepetals November 25 2011, 07:07:36 UTC
Ukitake-taichou has fallen ill.

[ quite possibly because of her own foolishness. ]

But... he'll get better soon! Like always, right?

[ she seems almost anxious, like she's trying to convince herself. ]


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 07:16:40 UTC
[His own chest clenches as she says the words he hates hearing most in this or any world.

Ukitake Jyuushirou was more than his best friend. He was his moral compass, one of the few good men he'd ever known. And it was inevitable, no matter how hard he fought to deny it, to drink to the point of forgetting it, he knew the illness would likely kill his friend some day. And so every time one of these attacks hit, no matter how mild, his heart skipped with fear that this was going to be the time the illness took Ukitake from him.]

Where is he?


fivepetals November 25 2011, 07:23:43 UTC
He's currently being cared for at the clinic.

[ she adverts her eyes, not wanting to see the look on his face. ]

I can take you there, if you'd like.


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 07:25:27 UTC
[Despite his worry, he puts on a lighthearted smile for her.]

I'm very lucky to be guided by such a charming young lady, Hinamori-chan.


fivepetals November 25 2011, 07:33:55 UTC
[ a wince. if he knew that... it was because of her that Ukitake became ill, surely he wouldn't be treating her so kindly. ]

Are you still in the Outlander Community Block-- I mean the apartment you arrived in?


pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 08:10:10 UTC
[He sees the wince, and he sees that guilt, but he'll worry about that later.]

I haven't gone far from the gate I came through.


fivepetals November 25 2011, 23:55:06 UTC
[ oh! she hadn't expected that-- ]

So, you didn't wake in the apartments then? [ she should probably explain... ] The city has been kind enough to allow those who have been displaced with temporary lodgings, you'll want to visit the Community Block soon but..

I will come and retrieve you first Kyouraku-taichou.

[ ah, that was kind of forward, cue the embarrassment ] Well, only if you want me to.


Ah, the mun got mixed up about the location... :x pinkflowergod November 27 2011, 01:07:22 UTC
Ah, thank you, Hinamori-chan! I'll wait here for you.


it's all good bro fivepetals November 27 2011, 05:09:13 UTC
[ a half bow-- ]

Mm, I'll be on my way, Kyouraku-taichou.

[ ooc: do you want to continue this here or in log...? ]


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