6 | [video] | everyone carries around his own monsters

Nov 16, 2011 00:15

[Have an Ax in his human morph, looking very serious as he starts the transmission.]

I have been thinking-ing about the worlds we Scorched come from, and the enemies and monn, mon-ster-zuh we face in them. I wish that it were impossible that those creatures might appear, peer, here in Anatole, but this does not seem to be the case.

[This disturbs ( Read more... )

elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, !aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, ciel phantomhive, kahlan amnell, sebastian michaelis

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Comments 63

[Video] chessmetaphor November 17 2011, 17:19:00 UTC
[Have a long, hard stare.]

... What exactly are you asking?

[Because your speech patterns, Ax. They are confusing to him.]


[Video] moarnomsplz November 18 2011, 05:52:17 UTC
[Why is Ciel looking at the Forge like that?]

I want peep, people to tell me how best to fight any dangerous, jer-uss, creatures from their world-zuh. It seem-zuh only sensible to make this information senn, centralized.


[Video] chessmetaphor November 18 2011, 19:16:29 UTC
... I see.

Well, there aren't any "dangerous creatures" from my home, per se. Unless you count average humans.

[There's a pause.] And the occasional Reaper.


[Video] moarnomsplz November 20 2011, 05:25:56 UTC
Human-zuh can easily be as dangerous as any other cree, creature.

What is a ree, reap, reap-err? [He does not think Ciel is using the word to mean the same thing Yachiru does when she says it.]


[Voice] demon_andbutler November 17 2011, 18:39:33 UTC
[Sebastian has kind of a similar sentiment to his master here. Except not only does he think Ax is as dumb as Finny, he now suspects the boy might be insane as well.]

Yes, that would be... disastrous.

[Not that he hasn't heard crazy things about other people's worlds before, but... uh. Ax is a special case.]


[video] moarnomsplz November 18 2011, 05:57:46 UTC
If Yeerks came to Anatole, ann-ah-toll-ay? It would be horrible. I do not even like to think about it. But I have heard other-zuh say that monsters from their worlds, worrld-zuh, which sound just as horrible, have been here. We Scorched, scorch-duh, can only benefit from sharing-ing information.


[Voice] demon_andbutler November 19 2011, 06:13:33 UTC
I certainly understand the sentiment, Mr. Aximili, but...

[Wow, his story is just so implausible.]


[video] moarnomsplz November 20 2011, 05:29:20 UTC
But what?

[No, he could not even begin to guess at Sebastian's thought process.]


[video] trickster_treat November 17 2011, 20:52:23 UTC
There's a lot of monsters written about in some of journals left behind in the library. Adding to them sounds like a great idea, kiddo. Might save someone's life someday.


[video] moarnomsplz November 18 2011, 06:03:18 UTC
Kih, kid-dow?

[Ax thinks it is clear from context that this is an affectionate nickname, and it is a welcome change from the other responses so far.]

Buff-ee started the idea, with her video, vid-ee-oh. I am simply expanding upon it.

Do you know who wrote these journal-zuh?


[video] trickster_treat November 18 2011, 17:04:47 UTC
Dunno. Other people who've been stuck here before and have bothered to write things down. I didn't really pay much attention to their names.

Go explore the library if you want. You might find something interesting.


[video] moarnomsplz November 20 2011, 05:32:18 UTC
I will, thank you, oo.

Is there anything-ing from your world that you wish to add?


[video] hirac_utzum November 20 2011, 02:06:56 UTC
[Elfangor's immediate gut reaction is, unsurprisingly, alarm at how frankly Aximili is sharing information over a public network in a non-crisis situation about the Yeerks.

But he forcibly calms himself. He has no room to speak on this, he'd told the children about the Yeerks. He'd had to, there had been no time...

Still. It makes him... uncomfortable.

But he can understand it. And if Aximili has already warned about Yeerks, it would be best to expand upon that warning.

His reluctance to speak on this likely bleeds through in his tone.]

Some common hosts used by Yeerks are Taxxons--they look much like ten foot long centipedes, with ravenous mouths. Their natural hunger for blood and flesh make them extremely dangerous, regardless of whether a Yeerk is controlling them. Another host species is the Hork-Bajir, who are inherently peaceful when free, but the long, sharp blades that cover their bodies make them dangerous foot soldiers of the Yeerk Empire.


[video] moarnomsplz November 20 2011, 05:38:47 UTC
[Ax knew that his brother would not like him giving so much information about their world, and he smiles, slightly surprised, when Elfangor adds to it.]

Yes, it is also, so, useful to be ay, ay-bull to recognize their usual hosts.

I was more worried, reed, about the ways they might go undetected, teck-ted.


video; jsyk, this post is making me want to read/watch animorphs so i can pick up someone. 8( maythespirits November 20 2011, 06:44:16 UTC
How are you able to tell who has been infected and who hasn't if they don't unintentionally slip like that?


[video] but but, now I want to try to tempt you! moarnomsplz November 21 2011, 06:09:19 UTC
There is no other way.

But I would hope the chances of Yeerks being-ing a major threat in Anatole, lay, are small. It is not a world they can invade, vay-duh, at will.


[video] i don't have time/a good enough quality version of the show. maythespirits November 23 2011, 01:13:10 UTC
[ His speech patterns certainly leave a lot to be desired, but Kahlan listens closely to make sure she doesn't miss anything. ] And what if the Door brings them here? Will you know when they arrive?


[video] yeah, it's really hard to find the show these days moarnomsplz November 23 2011, 07:22:08 UTC
I bee, believe that I would. I arrived here as a human. I imagine, mah-jinn, that would be even more disconcerting-ing for one of them, and that they would give themselves away.

Do you come from a world with something-ing like them?


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