[Have an Ax in his human morph, looking very serious as he starts the transmission.]
I have been thinking-ing about the worlds we Scorched come from, and the enemies and monn, mon-ster-zuh we face in them. I wish that it were impossible that those creatures might appear, peer, here in Anatole, but this does not seem to be the case.
[This disturbs him a great deal, and he hesitates before continuing.]
I think, een-kuh, it would be valuable to make a database of such threats from our home world-zuh, so that if the worst happens, hap-pin-zuh, and we must confront them here, everyone will have the benefit of the shared knowledge. Much like Buff-ee's video, but for creatures that are not present here.
[There is a longer hesitation at this point. The very nature of his enemy is such that one can never be completely sure they are not already present, and Ax knows for himself that it can feel dangerous to share information about one's home. This is why he wishes to demonstrate that he is willing to do it, and he unconsciously squares his human shoulders before continuing.]
Yeerks are helpless in their natural form. They resemble Earth slugs, ug-zuh. The danger is when they infest a host. They are able to access all of that person's memories and instinct-suh, and can impersonate them perfectly for as long as they need to. They do have a weakness, though. Every three days, they must leave their victim to ab, ab-sorr-buh energy that mimics their homeworld's sun. To save someone who has been inn, infested, edd, you must immobilize them, guard them, and wait for the Yeerk to starve.
The only time I have observed one to uninn, un-in-ten-shun-ah-lee give itself away was when it saw me unexpectedly. [He might relax slightly; this is a point of pride for him.] They hate my people that much.
If they ever came to Anatole, lay, I give my word that I would not let anyone suffer infestation, tay-shun. I would make sure they were freed.
I would like to ask people to share information with me about similar dangers, dane-jerr-zuh, from their world-zuh, privately if they feel they must. That way, we will have a record of the possible threats, and also of the ways to fight them most eff, effectively.