❦ 001 - Video;

Oct 02, 2011 06:26

[ At first, the video doesn't show a clear image. Then, one can see a flash of purple - blue - black - as the image sharpens, it is clear that a woman is turning the device in her hands. You can see pale skin, black hair, mint colored eyes - all from various angles as she tries to understand how to make the thing work ]

Obviously a thing of magic - ( Read more... )

nymphadora tonks, verity kindle, arthur pendragon, robb stark, lelouch vi britannia, !morgana pendragon

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Comments 273

1/??? supercilious October 2 2011, 04:33:10 UTC
Video. supercilious October 2 2011, 04:37:20 UTC
[ It is very nearly two years to the day since Arthur Pendragon first found himself in Anatole, and despite going home, living his life, coming back; despite making friends and growing up and finding love and dying... not once has he heard that voice. ]

[ His heart leaps in his throat, and he turns on his own device, just staring for a moment as he tries to think of how to greet her. ]


Video. supercilious October 2 2011, 04:39:41 UTC

[ Arthur's throat bobs as he swallows. He's so glad to see her, but she will need reassurance, protection: this place is dangerous, and there is so, so much to tell her. ]


Video. (done!) supercilious October 2 2011, 04:41:43 UTC
[ So of course, he does none of those things. ]

Really, why would anybody want to kidnap you?

[ Aside from those bandits. And Morgause. And those other, different bandits. ]

But that was quite intimidating, well done, I'm sure if there were captors they'd be shaking in their boots right now. At the thought of me coming to rescue you.


video; wolveshowling October 2 2011, 05:41:02 UTC
My lady, I regret to say that this is not a simple kidnapping.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 05:51:01 UTC
I fail to see how any kidnapping can be simple but -

What do you mean by that?


video; wolveshowling October 2 2011, 05:53:21 UTC
There is no way back. None that I or anyone else here has found.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 05:55:21 UTC
How can that be, there is always a way out. If you mean the guards are skilled with a sword - I am as well. I don't fear them.


[video] wotchesyou October 2 2011, 05:57:03 UTC
You're a rather long way from Camelot, I'm afraid.

[ There's not even a pause! ]

D'you know Arthur and Merlin?


[video] medicatus October 2 2011, 06:00:58 UTC
Yes - yes I do, they're my friends -

[ Relief. She lets it wash over her ]

Merlin is here as well? And you, you know Camelot?


[video] wotchesyou October 2 2011, 06:06:50 UTC
Oh, Arthur is one of your friends? You must have the patience of a saint then.

[ It's really easy to tear the mickey out of Arthur when Tonks is enabled. Oops? ]

Merlin's here, yeah. That is if you mean a rather skinny bloke with big ears. Time can be a bit funny here.

I know of Camelot, yeah.


[video] medicatus October 2 2011, 06:09:40 UTC
[ oh. Grin. ]

I grew up with him. It shaped my endurance to his nonsense.

-- That is Merlin, yes. And you heard of Camelot? You said it is very far. Do you know the way?


video; saltsandburns October 2 2011, 06:53:24 UTC
Camelot's army, huh? Sounds fancy.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 07:06:34 UTC
And deadly, by all means. [ not just elegant. Fancy sounds weak. ]


video; saltsandburns October 2 2011, 07:11:06 UTC
Oh, I'm sure, like, super deadly. [ A pause and a smirk. ] Thing is though, with how this place works, they ain't gonna be ridin' in here to save you -- or anyone else for the matter.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 07:14:07 UTC
Truly? And may I be enlightened - how does this place works? Whatever this place may be.


yetsleeping October 2 2011, 07:19:11 UTC
...did you say Camelot?


medicatus October 2 2011, 07:22:24 UTC
Yes -

[ hesitantly ]

Have you heard of it?


...welp, here it comes. Morgana, meet Arthur's BFF. Sob. yetsleeping October 2 2011, 07:26:13 UTC
Well! Kind of. I mean, yes. I've heard of it, in that Arthur and Merlin and this fellow called Gwaine, who isn't here anymore, were all from Camelot, but I've never been there myself and there isn't any Camelot at all where I'm from.

But yes, I have heard of it! In the... never having been there sort of way.

[...yeah. She leans forward a bit.]

...oh! I'm Priscilla. Who are you? Do you know those three?


oh boy :3 medicatus October 2 2011, 07:33:15 UTC
I know of Merlin and Arthur, they are my friends. I am Lady Morgana.


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