❦ 001 - Video;

Oct 02, 2011 06:26

[ At first, the video doesn't show a clear image. Then, one can see a flash of purple - blue - black - as the image sharpens, it is clear that a woman is turning the device in her hands. You can see pale skin, black hair, mint colored eyes - all from various angles as she tries to understand how to make the thing work ]

Obviously a thing of magic - ( Read more... )

nymphadora tonks, verity kindle, arthur pendragon, robb stark, lelouch vi britannia, !morgana pendragon

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1/??? supercilious October 2 2011, 04:33:10 UTC
Video. supercilious October 2 2011, 04:37:20 UTC
[ It is very nearly two years to the day since Arthur Pendragon first found himself in Anatole, and despite going home, living his life, coming back; despite making friends and growing up and finding love and dying... not once has he heard that voice. ]

[ His heart leaps in his throat, and he turns on his own device, just staring for a moment as he tries to think of how to greet her. ]


Video. supercilious October 2 2011, 04:39:41 UTC

[ Arthur's throat bobs as he swallows. He's so glad to see her, but she will need reassurance, protection: this place is dangerous, and there is so, so much to tell her. ]


Video. (done!) supercilious October 2 2011, 04:41:43 UTC
[ So of course, he does none of those things. ]

Really, why would anybody want to kidnap you?

[ Aside from those bandits. And Morgause. And those other, different bandits. ]

But that was quite intimidating, well done, I'm sure if there were captors they'd be shaking in their boots right now. At the thought of me coming to rescue you.


1/2 ARTHUR WHAT IS THIS WELCOME. medicatus October 2 2011, 04:47:54 UTC
[ ....Oh. Arthur - for a second there she smiles with relief, since well, that was fast!

...But then. Oh.

Still, at the very sight of him Morgana relaxes. Not alone that plays in her mind once and then twice.

Arthur would deem it stupid, but she is protective of him as he is of her. If they are both kidnapped well - that is a problematic situation ]


Done also video; medicatus October 2 2011, 04:51:07 UTC
[ but then his tone is light, almost too light for the situation. And before she can ask him what's going on, the comeback is already on her tongue. Instinct, really. ]

Ah, my entire search and rescue party. Truly Arthur I had forgotten the extent of your bravery not to mention good manners.


video; supercilious October 2 2011, 05:07:20 UTC
You should have known I'd come for you. My desire to see you safe is in fact so great that I've preceded you here.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 05:17:12 UTC
[ she smiles a bit at that, despite herself and then - ]

Arthur - how can you - it doesn't make sense, I've seen you just yesterday at Camelot. You have just returned from a rescue mission.

[ To save her from the Druids who hadn't even kidnapped her, sob. ]


video; supercilious October 2 2011, 06:14:03 UTC
I've been here for far longer than that, Morgana.

[ He sighs. ]

It's this place. It... messes with time. Six months here can be two years in our world, or a month can pass as quickly as a day.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 06:18:19 UTC
[ Now she's just worried. People here seem to mention Arthur meaning he really has been here quite a while. Though, Morgana supposes Arthur could make himself remembered in a week, what's with all the ego. ]

How long, Arthur? And - where is 'here'?


video; supercilious October 2 2011, 06:29:32 UTC
This is the city of Anatole.

I first arrived around the time of Camelot's jousting tournament, and I was here for a year. I returned to Camelot and lived over two years with no memory of this place. Then I returned again six months ago.

[ He grimaces. ]

It's all a bit... complicated, to be honest. But we'll find a way home again, don't you worry about that. People come and go all the time.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 06:34:09 UTC
[ so much time - she can't even comprehend it. But of course Arthur would stay positive. Insufferable, endearing man. ]

Anatole - do we know what kingdom this is?


video; supercilious October 2 2011, 06:43:31 UTC
We don't know much at all. There's the city. There are those who live here not drawn from other... other times, other worlds, but those who ruled it are absent or long-dead.

[ It's funny, in explaining it he begins to realize how much he takes for granted nowadays, how many oddities he has grown used to. ]

And there is the Mist. It blankets everything else.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 07:00:48 UTC
Arthur - listen to yourself, other worlds?

[ what even, Arthur ]

Tell me of the mist?


video; supercilious October 2 2011, 10:21:47 UTC
The Mist is magical.

[ Or so Merlin says. And he'd know. ]

It's also dangerous- very dangerous. Near the city it's shallow, but out further it is deadly. In summer it recedes, but it is never gone entirely. There is a kingdom and a world out there, beyond Anatole, but nobody has ever reached it.


video; medicatus October 2 2011, 16:14:28 UTC
Magical? This is all a work of magic?

[ oh swell. What would daddy say if he saw us now Arthur? ]


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