// 017. [video]

Aug 27, 2011 11:39

[Broadcasting on account of being jostled as Lust slips - laughing - down into the lap of an mostly unseen gentleman. For a moment the screen is full of sequins ( Read more... )

juushirou ukitake, jin uzuki, !lust, edward elric, alphonse elric, -minievent: lust, lelouch vi britannia

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Comments 106

[ voice ] swordofmiltia August 27 2011, 20:34:46 UTC
[ You know, it's hard not to watch something like this. It's a very nice view, after all. Ah... he shouldn't... stare. ]

Ah... S-show?

[ He is totally calm. ]


[voice] sonvisage August 27 2011, 22:03:16 UTC
[Oh, is the Forge still going? Give her a moment to disentangle a little.]

Were you interested in watching?

[She's just going to let all the implications hang there.]


[voice] swordofmiltia August 28 2011, 06:47:13 UTC

[ He certainly walked into that one, didn't he? A soft sound of forced humor, just to level himself for a moment. Best to keep a good head. ]

Was that a teaser? [ That's just a bit more confident than before. ]


[voice] sonvisage August 28 2011, 18:44:33 UTC
I never tease~

[Lies. But today it's probably not a lie!]


Video. tin_boy August 27 2011, 21:38:22 UTC
Voice. sonvisage August 27 2011, 22:03:58 UTC
[Almost scolding.]



Re: Voice. tin_boy August 27 2011, 22:15:19 UTC

I'm sorry-!

I just-!

It was an acc-

It was-

They were j-


Oh, no...


Voice. sonvisage August 27 2011, 22:20:24 UTC
[Suddenly awkward. Awkward is a buzzkill, isn't it?]


[Oh, lord. Now this is doubly awkward. ALPHONSE GET OUT.]

It's ...late.


(The comment has been removed)

[Voice] I APOLOGIZE FOR HER BEFOREHAND >.< sonvisage August 27 2011, 22:40:27 UTC
[She didn't. But that doesn't stop her from trying to use it to her advantage.]


Did it make you want to come? [SEE THE SHOW, SHE MEANS.]


(The comment has been removed)

[Voice] nosebleeds everywhere sonvisage August 27 2011, 23:25:05 UTC
[Hmm. How was the advertising-that wasn't really advertising not effective? More skin? Less skin? Seriously, how could you resist this?]

Maybe you should~


audio; maelstroms August 28 2011, 01:01:31 UTC
[ What Ukitake would really like to know is where, exactly, Lust managed to stash the Forge in that sequined outfit of hers, in the first place.

But he doesn't ask.

Partly because he's just that polite, and partly because he's busy choking on his tea. ]


audio; sonvisage August 28 2011, 01:22:04 UTC
[She might showhim if he asked. (Actually that Forge has spent some time in her cleavage recently, but mostly she's been holding it. And it was tucked away in her boot whilst she was onstage.

Wait. Now it sounds as if her Forge is ...sputtering? Is that a cough? Just to be sure:]

I can turn the video back on if you like~


audio; maelstroms August 28 2011, 02:50:38 UTC

[ Breathe, Ukitake, breathe. ]

-far from necessary. You needn't trouble yourself with-

[ Where is he even going with this? ]

Your show. You were with a gentleman, were you not? My apologies, for the interruption.


audio; SHE IS BEING HORRIBLE sonvisage August 28 2011, 03:34:28 UTC
[It's such a pronounced pause that she wonders if she's lost him after that first syllable.]

It's not really an interruption if I'm stopping, is it? [Well, it is for her companion but who cares, she is talking at the moment.] And that's assuming I've...



[It's audio. How can you really be sure~]

And I'd hardly call him a gentleman, however much he begs...

...to differ.


Video; braided_icarus August 28 2011, 02:25:38 UTC

[What is this and why is it on the network and why was he looking at it in the first place. :l]


Voice sonvisage August 28 2011, 19:48:09 UTC
Well, this is unexpected~


Voice braided_icarus August 29 2011, 04:57:38 UTC
W-what are you doing?


Voice sonvisage August 29 2011, 18:24:09 UTC
I thought your friend the Lieutenant Colonel was kidding about the need of an education. Are you telling me you don't know?

[A trollface would be here if this were video.]


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