// 017. [video]

Aug 27, 2011 11:39

[Broadcasting on account of being jostled as Lust slips - laughing - down into the lap of an mostly unseen gentleman. For a moment the screen is full of sequins.

A turn and a laugh and a flash of flesh. A curl of dark hair and suddenly the screen is full of tits.

Until it isn't.

Presently, most of the screen is taken up by a view of the man's hand sliding up her thigh. Swatting it away, and shifting, she leans in as if to whisper something in his ear. A dark curtain of hair obscures the view, and another laugh as a rain of ivories falls down past it.

If you've been there, you may recognize the backdrop in what glimpses of it are shown. If you haven't, then you may not frequent the newest strip burlesque club in Dismas.

A toss of that hair and one can see her teeth at the edge of his ear. Eyes finding the Forge and arcing a brow. Her fingers reach for his - twining through and pulling his hand back on screen, settling it against her thigh - sliding it just a little further up.]

Oh. This isn't part of the show~

[Grinning lasciviously just before the feed cuts.]

juushirou ukitake, jin uzuki, !lust, edward elric, alphonse elric, -minievent: lust, lelouch vi britannia

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