16. Voice

Aug 20, 2011 04:56

I was thinking. It's about time I got out of the community apartment and struck out on my own. It's important for... independence and... the right to change the color of my walls, because seriously? I think I can do better ( Read more... )

!buffy summers, spike, dawn summers, cordelia chase, faith lehane

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Comments 118

samianscar August 20 2011, 14:03:37 UTC
[Not just in Anatole, is it. This particular chess set ever been in one place at one time?

Give him a minute to get the tackyboard-with-strings layout of emotional entanglements clear in his head. (Red string from Angel to Buffy and to Cordy and to Spike, black string from Faith to… gold string from Buffy to… everybody…) Well, vivid, anyway. Less the clear.

Par for the course, really.]

I'll bring otter for-



ooc samianscar August 20 2011, 14:10:01 UTC
[so he goes and does this. On whatever day Buffy may choose]


stakesthings August 21 2011, 00:53:17 UTC
...otter? Why is there otter?


samianscar August 21 2011, 01:42:33 UTC
[Not that Buffy's squeamish. With the possible exception of this subtopic of squeam. But he's regretting the dig. Going to backfire on himself as much as on Angel. ...Not even sure he wants it to backfire on Angel. 'Cause that affects Buffy. Uggh. Can he go back to only feeling loyal to one of them at a time? ...Don't tell Angel he thought that.]

I have to spell it out...? More ambiguous than human, more corporate than rat.


Video. takesthings August 20 2011, 16:08:42 UTC
I'm game.

[ Say bar and she's down. ]


Video. stakesthings August 21 2011, 00:15:28 UTC
Don't get drunk. Embrace the power of the coherent thought.


Video. takesthings August 21 2011, 08:07:34 UTC
You've got mom-face. What am I, Dawn now?


Video. stakesthings August 21 2011, 09:19:32 UTC
What good is scheduling a catch up session if you're chugging beers, babbling and dancing on the table?

At least save the happy for after the hour.


Voice; knowmypurpose August 20 2011, 20:01:55 UTC
Sure. I don't think we've ever all had drinks before. Not...all of us all of us anyways.


Voice; stakesthings August 21 2011, 00:14:51 UTC
I feel pretty loop-outed, so this is good news. Time thoughts?


Voice; knowmypurpose August 21 2011, 10:05:32 UTC
Whenever is pretty much okay with me. Not like I have anything else planned.


Voice; stakesthings August 21 2011, 10:10:13 UTC
Not even interior decorating?


[video] girl_unlocking August 20 2011, 22:17:36 UTC
It's not like I haven't had beer before. Or wine. Or whatever that terrible stuff was I found in Dismas, I still don't kno---

---and that crazy stuff I poured into Al's helmet? That was Anatole approved! [It came in a gift basket. That means she's legal, right?]


[video] stakesthings August 20 2011, 23:05:32 UTC
I'm bringing the sodas.

[See this face? It's firm Buffy face.]


[video] girl_unlocking August 21 2011, 01:07:12 UTC

[Firm Buffy face, meet slightly disappointed face. Which is replaced by slightly optimistic face.]

Better soda than non-meady mead. Or too meady-mead.

Whatever. I'm in.


[video] stakesthings August 21 2011, 02:53:24 UTC
Mead of all kinds is, of course, a questionable substance.

Time prefs?


PRIVATE atonementsucks August 21 2011, 01:41:43 UTC
I'll be there. Fully expecting the place to be crashed by a big slimy Hell beast once we're all in the same room together, but there.

[that's a joke. kind of. ...he'll bring a sharp thing just in case, okay.]

I'm doing all right. Just glad I could help with the-- uh. w-wiggling. I mean, it's...

Being back on the streets, in the middle of things. I kinda missed it, honestly.


PRIVATE stakesthings August 21 2011, 03:12:39 UTC
If a slimy Hell Beast must occur, I can't think of a better crashing place than the Foxhole.

[...yeah, her too.]

But yeah, I can see the missing. You were always a more hands on kind of guy.


I mean, with demons.

Or... elves. Or, you know. Killing things. I mean killer-type things.

[Gosh. She rubs her face.]

I just mean. I can't see you in an office. It's kind of.. brainbreaky.


PRIVATE atonementsucks August 21 2011, 04:37:36 UTC
Assuming it's not just a customer.

[wow that is a whole mess of awkward talking there Buffy.]


Well. It was a really nice office. Evil architecture notwithstanding. If I hadn't needed it, though... It's just good to get back to my roots.


Not... too far back, though. The good roots. With all the helping people.


PRIVATE stakesthings August 21 2011, 06:34:41 UTC
It's like that old bar back in Sunnydale all over again.

...the architecture was evil?


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