16. Voice

Aug 20, 2011 04:56

I was thinking. It's about time I got out of the community apartment and struck out on my own. It's important for... independence and... the right to change the color of my walls, because seriously? I think I can do better.

Besides, it'd be good for... work purposes. If I could find one with an extra room or an upstairs or... well, anyway the point is, it's "get Buffy a new place" time. The only thing is, I'm price conscious. How bad is the markup for the Scorched types, anyway? Because I'm getting the "pay us extra" vibe, and sadly I need both arms and legs to continue indulging in my daily monster killing time.

...also, did I hear something about happy hour? Because I could use some happy right about now.

[Private to... Angel, Cordy, Dawn, Faith, Spike]

How have we managed to avoid sitting in one place until now? Anyone up for a meeting at ye olde bar?


I'll bring sodas for Dawn.

[Private to Angel]

Hey. Thanks for the battle assist the other day. There were a few spots of infinitely uncomfortable tightness I'm not sure I would have wiggled out of on my lonesome. [Especially not injured the way she was. But she won't say that. In part because the injury remains relevant, and she doesn't want to remind him.]

...how are you doing, anyway?

!buffy summers, spike, dawn summers, cordelia chase, faith lehane

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