
Aug 18, 2011 17:01

Not the only ones who what, eat people? Yeah, yeah, tell me about it. It's pretty damn sad when you're used to fighting things like that.

The thing I wanna know is...what the hell did those things put on their blades? That stuff could put me out of business.

[Who needs booze when there's...elf toxin.I'm just happy to be alive. So this weekend I' ( Read more... )

juushirou ukitake, isley, !helen, deneve, faith lehane, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, priscilla

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Comments 59

takesthings August 19 2011, 01:09:54 UTC
[ Oh, hell yes. ]

And where is this mystical endless happy hour gonna be?


applelimber August 19 2011, 02:30:29 UTC
The Foxhole. And since I don't know you, the first drink's on the house. That's my good deed for the community.

You know, to make up for all the not-so-good stuff.


takesthings August 19 2011, 04:08:19 UTC
Wicked. Someone already told me to check out the Foxhole.

I take a Jack and coke.


applelimber August 19 2011, 19:06:59 UTC
On a good night.

[Wicked, that is.]

Jack and- Oh yeah. Sometimes it's a little tough to come across that stuff, but I'm sure I can come up with something.


private twoswordjuniper August 19 2011, 01:21:57 UTC
He yowled all night.

[Not going to admit she was worried too. N o p e.]


private applelimber August 19 2011, 02:32:29 UTC
He's good at that.

I'm sure he was just trying to help. Wouldn't want you getting used to the silence, after all.


private twoswordjuniper August 19 2011, 09:56:57 UTC
He was extremely conscientious. I hadn't the chance to remember silence the whole time you were gone.


I knew you'd come back.


private applelimber August 19 2011, 19:20:20 UTC
Best cat in all of Anatole.

[And despite it, there's a moment of silence after Deneve says that.]

Yeah. I knew I would too. Wouldn't accept it any other way.

So, feel up for a little company this weekend?


[video] mrr, I always forget that! moarnomsplz August 19 2011, 05:58:50 UTC
So... 'happy', happ-ee hour is like a blind date? A human expression?

[Ax will begin to think he has understood the human use of language, such as mastering the use of 'bloody,' only to discover some use of words he does not understand at all, such as this one, which declares some human hour to be happy, but does not seem to mean it.]

Why do they not say what they mean?


[video] I'm the same way! applelimber August 19 2011, 19:09:00 UTC
That's right kid, one that I picked up myself.

Eh, it's more fun this way. Hey, why don't you stop by and I'll show you the ropes.


Oh, that's one of those expressions too.


[video] <3 moarnomsplz August 20 2011, 02:48:55 UTC
[Ax looks slightly peevish.] It is not more fun for those of us who are used to words making-ing sense, sen-suh, and meaning the same thing, ing, from one day to the next.

[But he recovers quickly, and catches himself in time to avoid asking what is unusual or noteworthy about these ropes.]

I have been meaning-ing to ask you a related question, shun. [He might straighten slightly, in an attempt to appear normal and respectable.] I ree, require employment. Do you need help at your establishment, mint? I would like to learn how to cook human foods.


Re: [video] <3 applelimber August 20 2011, 19:26:14 UTC
You'll catch on.

[Seemingly unsympathetic, but also a vote of confidence. She's learned to expect great things from the clueless.]

Are you asking for a job?

[Helen blinks, her expression blank for a moment. But before he can start feeling too awkward, a bright smile crosses her lips.]

Oh hell yeah. My help keeps disappearing!


When can you start?


[Video | Private] swordofthenorth August 19 2011, 13:51:51 UTC
Were you caught up in that mess, Helen?

[He asks casually, like he has a right to know, as though they aren't enemies. Oh Isley.]


[Video | Private] applelimber August 19 2011, 19:22:49 UTC
[Helen just stares at the video for a moment, going so linefacey that she could almost be mistaken for Deneve.

Finally, she sighs.]

Eh. What can I say. Sorta used to dealing with unpleasant things around here.


[Video | Private] ...those key words remind me of when Pris took Isley a cloak. swordofthenorth August 19 2011, 19:32:26 UTC
Of course you are.

[A pause. Followed by a pleasant smile.]

I hope your business is not truly suffering.


[Video | Private] that's exactly where they came from. XD applelimber August 20 2011, 01:29:28 UTC
...Pretty sure I'm the only one who's suffering right now.


video; maelstroms August 19 2011, 16:59:01 UTC
With a promotion like that, I doubt you need to fear for your business, Miss.

[ Even where elf toxin is concerned. ]


video; applelimber August 19 2011, 19:26:16 UTC
Not to mention the unpleasant little aftertaste.

And it's not 'Miss'. It's Helen.


video; maelstroms August 20 2011, 06:52:08 UTC
[ A nod of his head. ]

Helen, then. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.

Might this business of yours have a name?


video; applelimber August 20 2011, 20:55:22 UTC
You bet it does! The Foxhole.

Admit it, you're feeling pretty thisty, right...uhh. What did you say your name is again?


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