
Jul 04, 2011 00:10

It's too quiet around here. What, has 'fun' became a dirty word or something?

[Helen's pretty sure she can come up with some worse ones.I guess it's to be expected when it's the big mouths and the nice guys who disappear. Oh, that reminds me...Rin! Glad you came back out of the woodwork, kid ( Read more... )

elfangor-sirinial-shamtul, !helen, tifa lockhart, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, gwen tennyson

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Comments 71

lock_your_heart July 4 2011, 06:35:27 UTC
What do you consider fun? [You caught her attention on a number of levels, Helen. One, fun = distraction, yes? Awesome. Two, Helen has a bar. Tifa had a bar back on Gaia named 7th Heaven. And, three, she wants to know who Rooster is.

So there you have it.]


applelimber July 4 2011, 20:57:18 UTC
You know, a few friends, a few drinks. Maybe some arm wrestling!

[Likely resulting in some broken tables. But hey, it's not like she has fancy furniture in the joint anyway.

It could quite possibly be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.]


lock_your_heart July 4 2011, 21:37:47 UTC
I'm in. [That's just her kind of crowd!] Tonight?


applelimber July 5 2011, 00:53:08 UTC
Hell yeah!

[Oh, Helen likes you already.]

Hey, what's your name?


private! twoswordjuniper July 4 2011, 07:55:44 UTC


In what capacity, exactly?


private! applelimber July 4 2011, 20:59:21 UTC
My old route. Hey, which isn't so old after all, since it's pretty much the same route I take to stretch my legs when happy hour ain't so happy.


I'm not saying it was wrong to leave. Just that...maybe it's time to go back.


private! twoswordjuniper July 5 2011, 17:18:41 UTC

[An almost cold sound. This decision hasn't exactly been totally unforseen, but she'd have liked to have been more a part of it.]

How did you come to this decision?


private! applelimber July 5 2011, 18:54:09 UTC
[It took some thought, worried that Deneve might feel pressured, or even that she herself might back down.]

It's...like a debt that I owe. And I don't wanna just give up on stuff.


anodite_spark July 4 2011, 13:40:49 UTC
It'd be a first if it was. If you think it's too quiet though, why not hold a party or something? You could host it at your bar. Or, well, I'm not sure what you consider fun, actually.

Is Rooster the name of your cat? [ Because cats = yarn, right? ]


applelimber July 4 2011, 21:06:42 UTC
Heh, I guess I just have a lower tolerance for peace and quiet. You've got the right idea though. This neighborhood goes to bed too early anyway.

Yeah. He's the resident mouser. [Or according to Deneve, resident pest in his own right.] He's got a big mouth....probably why we get along so well. Not to mention where he got his name.


anodite_spark July 4 2011, 21:22:50 UTC
Peace and quiet isn't so bad. I'm not sure if I could ever quite get used to it again though.

You know, my grandmother would probably love you - she's very ...free spirited. [ A quick laugh. ] What kind of a cat is he?


applelimber July 5 2011, 00:59:33 UTC
The good news is you probably won't have to get used to it for long around here.

Sounds like your grandma was pretty okay herself. Eh, he's just an old yellow tabby. Not much to look at it, but you know, that isn't what counts anyway.


[voice] moarnomsplz July 5 2011, 02:40:26 UTC
String, ing. String thing?

[This is not just fun to repeat, it is also relevant to Ax's research into things that have occurred in the city in the past.]


[voice] applelimber July 5 2011, 19:06:25 UTC
Yeah. People who woke up with a string on their finger got tugged to their 'match'. Ever been on a blind date?


[voice] moarnomsplz July 6 2011, 05:16:20 UTC
Blin, ind, date? That does not sound pleasant.


[voice] applelimber July 7 2011, 00:00:46 UTC
...You do know that you don't really have to be blind, right?


mudhair July 5 2011, 18:24:00 UTC
But the quiet's a good thing, too, right?


applelimber July 5 2011, 19:07:43 UTC
I guess that's better than another war. Not that a little hell-raiser like you would probably agree.


mudhair July 5 2011, 19:59:38 UTC
...Hell-raiser? I'm no such thing. I don't thi- er, no way!


applelimber July 7 2011, 00:01:11 UTC
Sure you are! You just haven't had the right role model for it.


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