13th Profile [Video]

Jun 02, 2011 17:25

[Have a shot of Spencer sitting in front of the camera, looking a little bit uncomfortable. His hair is wet, and for once, he's not wearing his trademark shirt, tie and sweater-vest. In fact, it looks like he's wearing just a plain t-shirt ( Read more... )

stephanie brown, lilly rush, !spencer reid, allen walker, fujimoto shiro, asellus, jin uzuki, merlin, riza hawkeye

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Comments 33

charmprince June 2 2011, 21:30:38 UTC
I... don't think there is one? My aunt used to tell me there wasn't when I wanted a cat as a child.

But then, we're all from different worlds. Maybe at least one has figured it out...


[video] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 02:07:22 UTC
[There's a slight pout. Reid liked that particular sweater vest, dang it.]

I see.


[video] charmprince June 3 2011, 02:14:49 UTC
[A-Aww, don't pout!]

You could check the shops, though! I don't know if they haven't figured something out here, after all. Or talk to the people who're good at magic, see if any of them can help...


[voice] photosbythebed June 2 2011, 22:25:22 UTC
[Didn't she have this same conversation about dog pee, once? Cat maulings and animal urine - what the hell are these recurring themes, Anatole?]

Stains or the smell?


I didn't know you had a cat.


[voice] threedoctorates June 2 2011, 22:57:27 UTC

[There's a pause]

Ah... I don't, actually.


[voice] photosbythebed June 3 2011, 00:40:36 UTC
I'm going to list off some things. And you being you are probably going to remember them without even making a list. Vinegar, water, soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. A spray bottle would make it a whole lot easier.

Not sure now many of those things you've got handy, but you could try the market.

Did you get those scratches looked at?


[voice] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 00:58:37 UTC
Actually, I think I have most of that around the apartment.

[Blink. Confusion.]

No... was I supposed to?


[ voice ] swordofmiltia June 3 2011, 02:10:01 UTC
I never was much for doing laundry.

It might be easier to simply buy something to replace it.


[ voice ] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 03:37:50 UTC
I suppose.

[There's a moment of silence as he's doing mental calculations.]

If I cut back on the amount of coffee that I get a week, I should be able to afford one.


[ voice ] swordofmiltia June 3 2011, 09:09:08 UTC
[ Coffee? That's what he cuts out? How much coffee... ]

Do you drink a lot of coffee?


[ voice ] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 11:47:20 UTC
Actually, my teammates would probably say that I drink sugar flavored like coffee, but yes, I suppose you could say that I do drink a lot.


Voice pratservant June 3 2011, 04:19:06 UTC
...And I thought tomato stains were bad.

Have you tried boiling them?


Voice threedoctorates June 3 2011, 11:51:48 UTC
Ah... no.

Would that work?


Voice pratservant June 3 2011, 13:53:51 UTC
I'm not sure, honestly. My first thought was to burn them, but it seems a waste.


firebornfidelis June 3 2011, 05:58:08 UTC
Feline urine?

[She's really not sure what to make of that.]

What happened?


[private] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 11:53:43 UTC
[There's a moment of silence, before we switches it to private. He's not sharing THIS information with the network, after all.]

Miss Summers.


[private] firebornfidelis June 3 2011, 18:32:09 UTC
[... okay. She wasn't really expecting that.]

Did she hurt you?


[private] threedoctorates June 3 2011, 23:27:42 UTC
Not exactly.

While we were out searching for her, I believe I stumbled upon two of those cat like creatures having a squabble.

... apparently one took it upon itself to mark it's territory, as it were.


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