001 ☼ Video

Jun 03, 2011 01:09

[The face that appears on the screen is, at first, upside-down, until its owner figures out to turn the device the right way up. Said face, as it comes into focus, belongs to a pale woman with wide, blue-green eyes, and she bites her lip and stares anxiously into the screen for a moment before speaking.]Is this device functional? I think I've ( Read more... )

!quorra, gokudera hayato, nymphadora tonks, xerxes break, stephanie brown, rex salazar, mail "matt" jeevas, jin uzuki, kaien shiba, merlin, quatre raberba winner

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Comments 159

wotchesyou June 2 2011, 17:54:49 UTC
[ Tonks is not going to be helpful at all. She stares back as though she doesn't understand much of what Quorra has just said. She stares back that way because she doesn't understand much of it. ]

I'm sorry but what did you just say?


isoalgorithm June 2 2011, 18:04:13 UTC
[Quorra isn't completely oblivious to the lack of understanding, so she decides to simplify things a little.]

Am I dead?


wotchesyou June 2 2011, 18:08:33 UTC
I'm not so I don't think you are either.


isoalgorithm June 2 2011, 18:10:21 UTC
[Quorra blinks at her a couple of times.] Strange.

You are a User, aren't you? [She's never seen a program with such colorful hair before.]


voice; sandrocker June 2 2011, 20:03:26 UTC
[man, another robot?? or something similar, quatre is not so sure.]

If you were derezzed, I don't think you would be here.


Voice; isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:00:27 UTC
So this isn't a digital afterlife? Hm. [She fumbles with the device a little; there's the sound of footsteps as she paces around the room.]

That still doesn't explain how I got here.


voice; sandrocker June 3 2011, 01:12:51 UTC
Well, the Door kidnaps people through magic. But that doesn't explain much, either.


isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:15:10 UTC
...I assumed I'd been imported or transferred somehow, but magic doesn't exist outside of books. Does it? [Doubtful Quorra sounds doubtful.]


[ video ] heartbetween June 2 2011, 21:24:10 UTC
...Okay. I don't know what the hell you just said, but. You're in Anatole right now, this device is a Forge, and no, this is not an afterlife, though several of the residents have died in their own worlds. It's most likely that no one from your world is here.

One second.

[Clicky noises as he digs up an old text file]



Video isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:06:11 UTC
[Quorra's quiet a minute, her eyes darting back and forth across the screen as she absorbs the new information. It doesn't take her that long.]

That's very enlightening. Thank you.

But it still doesn't explain why.


[Voice] break_onthru June 2 2011, 23:01:56 UTC
Outdated, you say?

[Sorry. It's just that the Forge is the single most advanced piece of technology he's ever come across.]

Hmm. That must be soooome world you're from.


isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:13:25 UTC
I'm from the Grid. It's a digital world, inside a computer, constructed by a User. He created us. Well - most of us.

[She doesn't think she should say much more than that about what she is, so she doesn't.]

This place doesn't feel digital, though. [She'll need to get outside, try to rezz her lightcycle or try to use her disc. But she's understandably nervous about all that.]


[Voice] break_onthru June 3 2011, 04:00:58 UTC
[Yeah he understood roughly 12% of that. The User bit, actually. Sounds kind of like a deity. And the Grid might be some wacky dimension, of which Break understands plenty.]

Welllll, you will find this place isn't quite like anything you're used to, that's for sure.

Oh! How terribly rude of me~! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Xerxes Break. And who might you be, my fair lady?


Voice isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 09:31:23 UTC
That's okay. I was...very used to the Grid. [Her tone suggests that's not much of a good thing, either.]

I'm Quorra.


[video] bakudan_shounen June 3 2011, 01:26:30 UTC
[He's going to stare for a moment before being unhelpful]

You're... a program?


isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:28:59 UTC
[And she'll stare right back.]

Yes. You're not?


bakudan_shounen June 3 2011, 01:32:03 UTC
No! I'm a human!! How the hell are you a program?!


isoalgorithm June 3 2011, 01:34:27 UTC
Well, how are you a human? [She seems faintly amused by the reaction.]


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