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Comments 33

[ Text | Private ] knows_it_all May 22 2011, 16:55:36 UTC
[ The absence of audio or video eliminates all traces of hesitation and indecision. It's a luxury in moments such as this one. It's not something Kunsel ever takes for granted. He counts his lucky stars that the Forge has a text function. That he can hide how he really feels. ]

So, that's what happened.

[ And that's all he has to say. Was the choice the right one? The wrong one? He won't admit either way. It's all just...one more reason to hate Shin-Ra. And to ask himself yet again why he is still with them. ]


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 23 2011, 01:11:46 UTC
No. I simply didn't attempt any rescue maneuvers because I liked the diamond collar ShinRa gave me. [Because that's what he thinks, isn't it? Or that's how Tseng is sure most of the SOLDIERs viewed it.]


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 23 2011, 16:07:17 UTC
[ He debates long and hard before deciding to respond via audio. ]

Tseng...don't be like that.


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 23 2011, 23:28:28 UTC
I tried. Just not hard enough. I think we're both aware of that. [Diamond collars and jokes about who is really ShinRa's dog aside.]


Voice i_love_squats May 22 2011, 20:15:38 UTC
[Hojo. Seeing him again makes the bile run up his throat like a slot-car, and he has to choke it back down with force. Still...]

It's okay, you know. [Or, as okay as it ever will be.] You know I don't blame you.


Voice fingersloophole May 23 2011, 01:12:39 UTC
That's alright. I blame myself enough for both of us. [Even if logical brain knows he did what he could, emotional brain won't shut up.]


Voice i_love_squats May 23 2011, 03:30:47 UTC
You're going to have to shed some of that weight sometime, you know. Otherwise, it's going to slow you down.


Voice fingersloophole May 23 2011, 04:01:46 UTC
When I have to account for my sins, that may be the biggest. [But Zack does not need an emo pony.] It's done now, though.


[ private. ] machiavellisms May 22 2011, 21:21:25 UTC
How odd.


Private fingersloophole May 23 2011, 01:13:05 UTC
Odd in what way? There is a lot of oddness about this.


[voice] halcyonthird May 22 2011, 22:27:37 UTC
Is it a memory or a dream? [Or both?]


Voice fingersloophole May 23 2011, 01:13:38 UTC
A memory. But something I dream on quite regularly. The better dreams involve throwing him out the window.


Voice halcyonthird May 23 2011, 02:09:47 UTC
Were you able to find a way? [She means to not lose anyone. But there's an internal smile at the mention of defenestration.]


Voice fingersloophole May 23 2011, 02:22:33 UTC
...no. He died before I could find a way out for him.


breakspromises May 24 2011, 13:37:22 UTC
Hm...I was right. You have an interesting life...even at your age. [She is always here to remind you of your age, Tseng.]


fingersloophole May 25 2011, 01:05:20 UTC
That particular incident actually happened years ago. [And yet you can't tell by his appearance. ANDROID]


breakspromises May 25 2011, 20:38:12 UTC
Well then...that means alot of experience for alot of years. [She loves you Tseng...even if you're old :3]


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