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[ Text | Private ] knows_it_all May 22 2011, 16:55:36 UTC
[ The absence of audio or video eliminates all traces of hesitation and indecision. It's a luxury in moments such as this one. It's not something Kunsel ever takes for granted. He counts his lucky stars that the Forge has a text function. That he can hide how he really feels. ]

So, that's what happened.

[ And that's all he has to say. Was the choice the right one? The wrong one? He won't admit either way. It's all just...one more reason to hate Shin-Ra. And to ask himself yet again why he is still with them. ]


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 23 2011, 01:11:46 UTC
No. I simply didn't attempt any rescue maneuvers because I liked the diamond collar ShinRa gave me. [Because that's what he thinks, isn't it? Or that's how Tseng is sure most of the SOLDIERs viewed it.]


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 23 2011, 16:07:17 UTC
[ He debates long and hard before deciding to respond via audio. ]

Tseng...don't be like that.


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 23 2011, 23:28:28 UTC
I tried. Just not hard enough. I think we're both aware of that. [Diamond collars and jokes about who is really ShinRa's dog aside.]


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 24 2011, 00:24:42 UTC
How did things get so screwed up...? And...do you think Shin-Ra's really better off now, Tseng?


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 24 2011, 01:39:32 UTC
Because the old man wanted power more than he wanted to think of the people involved in attaining it. Because he was a bad strategist, to say the least, and nothing mattered as long as he got what he wanted.

I do feel like it's better. Rufus, arrogant and young as he is, learned from his father's mistakes.


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 24 2011, 18:25:09 UTC
So, you think Rufus won't make the same mistakes his father did...but are you confident he won't make worse ones?

I don't mean to give you an earful or sound like I doubt him...I'm sure he'll do just fine. I'm just concerned given the company's track record and...you know.

...Yeah. I'm concerned.

[ Scared is more like it. ]


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 25 2011, 00:50:01 UTC
I'm confident. We raised him. [He pauses, and there's almost a smile in his voice.] Turks, I mean. I'm not sure how much faith you have in us but Rufus was in our care from the time he could walk. He's far smarter than his father. Far more aware the company's success hinges on the people carrying out tasks for him.

[And he's trying to figure out why you're concerned.] We won't have another Sephiroth.


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 25 2011, 01:19:43 UTC
I...do you think we could talk about this face-to-face sometime soon? There's a lot to say. From your side. From mine. A lot to understand. And I really don't want messages to be misconstrued because we're sitting on opposite ends of the city talking through these devices.

...Before Anatole I never trusted you Turks much. But I'm starting to. And I'm willing to really give this a chance, this new Shin-Ra company.


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 25 2011, 04:52:59 UTC
I would feign offense that you didn't trust the Turks but you were probably wise not to do so.

Of course. If you'd name a time and location I'm at your leisure.


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 30 2011, 21:24:27 UTC
I’ll never fully trust you guys, as I’m sure you’ll never fully trust us from SOLDIER. That’s just the way of things. But...I trust you a little. Enough. Or, I’m starting to. I need to.

[ An exasperated sigh. ]

It’s hard to explain...but I think you know what I mean.

Anyway, what about your place? Or the Foxhole.


Voice/Private fingersloophole May 31 2011, 23:40:16 UTC
The Foxhole would be preferable at the moment, as I have company. Tomorrow night?


Voice/Private knows_it_all May 31 2011, 23:49:15 UTC


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