
Dec 17, 2009 03:45

Well, I've been here for a little while now, so I'm well past due to introduce myself. I'm Guy Cecil, and I come from a place called Auldrant, if any of you are familiar with it. At the moment I've joined up with a young man named Tidus - the idea is to work as hired help for the reconstruction of the city's damaged buildings. If anyone has work ( Read more... )

aang, miranda lotto, haruka doumeki, shibuya yuuri, luke fon fabre, !guy cecil

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Comments 55

the2nd_kira December 17 2009, 11:57:18 UTC
Nice to meet you, Guy!~

My name is Misamisa Amane! Guy came from Auldrant?

That sounds like a weird world...


jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 00:02:41 UTC
It's a pleasure to meet you, Misamisa! I guess Auldrant might be a little strange, but I'm sure your world would be just as strange to me. So where is it that you come from?


the2nd_kira December 18 2009, 00:08:27 UTC
Misamisacomes from Japan!~

You have a point!

[ Her world where shinigamis ate apples. Even she thought it was strange. ]


jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 22:34:31 UTC
Japan, on Earth?

[So that's a number of people from the same world already.]


[voice] a_royal_flush December 17 2009, 16:24:17 UTC
It's nice to meet you, Guy!

Auldrant? I've never heard of that one before. What's that world like??

I'm Yuuri, and I come from Japan on Earth [his voice is cheerful as he speaks, but there's the sound of groaning in the background before he adds] Aaa, my friend Morgif is from a place called Shin Makoku.

Hmm what to say... aaaah what else do you want to know?


[voice] jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 00:06:37 UTC
Likewise, Yuuri.

Let's see, Auldrant... well, it's a temperate planet with four main countries- Malkuth, Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, Daath, and Chesedonia. Most of the people rely on fontech and good old-fashioned manpower to get through their daily lives. Really, I'm sure it has features and politics like just about any other world might have. What might be unique about it is the Score.

How about sharing something about your own world?


[voice] a_royal_flush December 18 2009, 03:04:06 UTC
Only four main countries? [there's a sound of awe in his voice before it turns more curious] What's the Score?

Hmm it's really hard to sum up, but I'll give it my hardest! [he pauses momentarily] I come from a country called Japan. It's a group of islands off the coast of two countries called Korea and China, and it's populated with about one hundred and twenty seven million people.

There are too many countries to name them all, sorry [his voice sounds sheepish]

What else? Most of the planet relies on satellite technology, and I guess you'd say that we're pretty technologically advanced.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 22:38:46 UTC
The Score is a prophecy my world has followed for the past 2000 or so years; every single person has a future they can follow in order to live in prosperity.

Too many countries to name, and over a hundred million people in just one of them? Your world must be old to carry so many!


spiritavatar December 17 2009, 16:55:36 UTC
Hi, Guy Cecil! I've never heard of Auldrant. I'm kind of saying that a lot recently.

Anyway, I'm Aang of the Air Nomads!


jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 00:07:14 UTC
Just Guy is fine! It's nice to meet you, Aang.

Sounds like you've been meeting a lot of unfamiliar people.


[voice] smoke_koan December 18 2009, 03:33:21 UTC
[aaaah. Now he wonders if this is Tidus or "Tidus."]

I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to start with reconstructing buildings. If I find someone who is interested, however, I will refer them to you.

Hello, Guy Cecil. My name is Haruka Doumeki. That young man already has described my country of origin, Japan. When I was still there, however, most of the technology he's referring to was only being developed.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 22:40:30 UTC
That's just fine! I appreciate the consideration anyway.

You can call me Guy, though- no need to be so formal. Japan seems to be a popular place to come from around here.


[voice] smoke_koan December 19 2009, 01:51:27 UTC
"Guy" it is, then.

I find it rather curious.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 19 2009, 02:59:02 UTC
It is strange. Though it's also a little strange for me to arrive so soon after a friend of mine.


[voice] rewindpendulum December 18 2009, 03:41:40 UTC
Guy! It's nice to hear from you again - I'm glad that you found a job!

Oh - My world...I was born in Germany, but I mostly live in England with my comrades right now.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 22:41:41 UTC
Hello again, Miranda! How goes the sewing business? I recommended you to another young lady, actually.

So those are two countries on your world, right? Why did you move, if you don't mind me asking?


[voice] rewindpendulum December 18 2009, 23:38:06 UTC
I've actually been buying some supplies for it so far! Oh, you d-didn't have to do that Guy, but I do appreciate it very much.

There are more than two countries in my world, [small laugh at Guy's curiosity] but I moved because of my job.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 19 2009, 02:59:58 UTC
That's great! Maybe I'll end up commissioning something for you myself.

Ah ha, so you have a job back home as well! See, you're better off than you think.


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