
Dec 17, 2009 03:45

Well, I've been here for a little while now, so I'm well past due to introduce myself. I'm Guy Cecil, and I come from a place called Auldrant, if any of you are familiar with it. At the moment I've joined up with a young man named Tidus - the idea is to work as hired help for the reconstruction of the city's damaged buildings. If anyone has work ( Read more... )

aang, miranda lotto, haruka doumeki, shibuya yuuri, luke fon fabre, !guy cecil

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[voice] rewindpendulum December 18 2009, 03:41:40 UTC
Guy! It's nice to hear from you again - I'm glad that you found a job!

Oh - My world...I was born in Germany, but I mostly live in England with my comrades right now.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 18 2009, 22:41:41 UTC
Hello again, Miranda! How goes the sewing business? I recommended you to another young lady, actually.

So those are two countries on your world, right? Why did you move, if you don't mind me asking?


[voice] rewindpendulum December 18 2009, 23:38:06 UTC
I've actually been buying some supplies for it so far! Oh, you d-didn't have to do that Guy, but I do appreciate it very much.

There are more than two countries in my world, [small laugh at Guy's curiosity] but I moved because of my job.


[voice] jewelofgardios December 19 2009, 02:59:58 UTC
That's great! Maybe I'll end up commissioning something for you myself.

Ah ha, so you have a job back home as well! See, you're better off than you think.


[voice] rewindpendulum December 20 2009, 21:53:53 UTC
If you do then I won't charge you for it.

I- I guess! That was the first job I was p-partially good at and all. [insert embarrassed laugh]


[voice] jewelofgardios December 20 2009, 22:26:01 UTC
No, no! It's a business, after all. I'd feel obligated to repay you.

So what was the job?


[voice] rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 03:15:26 UTC
Think of it as a first customer free service sort of thing then!

M-my job? [pauuusseee] I fought...monsters...


[voice] jewelofgardios December 21 2009, 20:50:08 UTC
But what if I'm not your first customer? You have to play fair, after all.

Monsters, really? That's amazing, Miranda! You must be strong to have a job like that.


[voice] why you so niceeee 1/3 rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 21:58:12 UTC
T-then I'll wait until you're my first!


[voice] 2/3 lol wut rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 21:58:40 UTC
[adfjaskdjhf!!!] I-I mean first customer of course!!


[voice] 3/3 rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 21:59:27 UTC
[long silence here to dispel any awkwardness and then-] I mostly just...supported my friends. They were the ones that fought on the offensive.


[voice] I just died laughing, thank you jewelofgardios December 21 2009, 22:01:57 UTC
[Don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh.]

That's still very admirable. Even those who don't fight have to be brave to join the battle.


[voice] I aim to please :DD rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 22:04:56 UTC
[Phew, he didn't take it the w-wrong way.]

A-are you a fighter too Guy?


[voice] jewelofgardios December 21 2009, 22:06:32 UTC
[He's just polite enough to keep his mouth shut.]

No, just a simple servant. I have some training, but I'm no soldier.


Re: [voice] rewindpendulum December 21 2009, 22:12:26 UTC
[Why can't there be more people like that]

You must use your ability to defend your best friend then!


[voice] jewelofgardios December 21 2009, 23:03:24 UTC
As much as I can, yes. He's trained as a swordsman, too, but he has a lot to learn.


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