15/ Voice

Apr 13, 2011 17:04

It's fascinating, the things one finds lying around in this city. For example, in recent days both body parts and the bodies they belong to have simply been tossed out for the bird to pluck dry. This is hardly surprising. Anatole been quite full of dead things, lately. In only a few weeks, we have seen the corpses of prostitutes, a strung-up ( Read more... )

!sousuke aizen, dawn summers, ichigo kurosaki

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Comments 64

[voice] girl_unlocking April 13 2011, 22:28:19 UTC
[A strung up soldier gets an audible wince. And the cat oh god, she is wishing she could delete that thing right off and into the fifth level of mist.]

I had the airship one, too.


[voice] FF HE MEANS LANGUAGEY HOMEWORK, LOLOL infidus April 13 2011, 22:50:40 UTC
Did you, then? I wonder what causes a specific person to experience one or the other.

[And, more importantly...]

Have you been completing your assigned practices, Dawn?


[voice] DAWN WOULD NOT LEAV A STRAY ITALICY THINGER IN HER ASSIGNMENT /SOB girl_unlocking April 14 2011, 00:45:50 UTC
Maybe this place...

...maybe it has things it wants us to know. Like lessons or something.

[Mine might be stop trusting strangers, because look where it gets you. And speaking of lessons, she is mostly telling the truth.]

Yes. I'm caught up now. [A little flatly.] I didn't mean to fall behind.


[voice] NO? BUT ITS SO FRIENDLY WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT. infidus April 14 2011, 04:56:54 UTC
That isn't outside the realm of possibility. Particularly if these things are governed by an outside will. What do you think... Dawn?

[He's smiling, though she can't see it. The expression oozes into his words, like honey and razors.]

As for falling behind... well. I wouldn't concern myself over it.

We have time.


slaythemoon April 14 2011, 01:38:35 UTC
Tasteless doesn't even begin to cut it.


infidus April 14 2011, 04:59:18 UTC
I suppose it wouldn't. I'm afraid I'll have to suggest that it feels a bit overly dramatic, as well.

[...what, you didn't think he actually cared about the cat, did you?]

[He sips his tea.]

Tell me, Ryoka Boy. Have you begun your training with that [Arrogant, self-important megalomaniacal barbarian who calls himself a Northern King?] Isley, yet?


slaythemoon April 14 2011, 05:19:05 UTC
... Y'think?

[An irritated sigh. Really now? This is getting old...]

I have a name, and guess what? It isn't "Ryoka Boy". And my training is just fine, thanks.


infidus April 14 2011, 08:50:04 UTC
[A little chuckle.]

Yes, I am quite aware of your name, Ichigo.

In any case, that's very encouraging. Do you find him to be a competent instructor, then?


ladyofthesouth April 14 2011, 03:45:38 UTC
It's a poor sight to see people dump their pitiful refuse in the streets, isn't it, Sousuke? Especially with the Mist so willing to eat away our sins. And yet these people turn around and call others beasts.

Tasteless is certainly an apt description. It's enough to make a girl lose her appetite.


infidus April 14 2011, 05:02:02 UTC
So it is. But on occasion, these things have been known to provide useful things.

[Such as missing limbs. He did give his word not to cut up that girl, but there was no promise not to benefit from others doing so, now was there?]

But careful, my dear. We wouldn't want you to go hungry.


ladyofthesouth April 16 2011, 04:17:03 UTC
Mm. I'm sure you could say the same for a great many things. You always manage to find something useful where others would not.

[Like. In parts of your ladyfriend. H-ha.]

I doubt it will come to that, but I'll certainly take care. I'd just hate to leave you disappointed.


[ text. ] machiavellisms April 14 2011, 04:38:52 UTC
It must be a sad day when one has to share their dreams, no? Or perhaps, in this case, a very peculiar one when it can be commented on so nonchalantly.


infidus April 14 2011, 05:09:57 UTC
I wouldn't say I find it especially perturbing. Then again, I suppose one grows used to these things, given time.


machiavellisms April 14 2011, 05:26:54 UTC
Then I take it that it's a common occurrence?


infidus April 14 2011, 08:50:31 UTC
Oddities, one could say, are a common occurrence, yes.


Ishida needs to stop feeding the Aizen troll. Srsrly. sewing_prince April 15 2011, 01:43:01 UTC

Then what do you consider a proper display of power?


BUT WILL HE EVER infidus April 15 2011, 05:34:49 UTC
Those with true power do not squander their time on petty nonsense. That is the behavior of the mad, or the weak.

A proper display uses no more than it must to accomplish the user's goal.


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