[ 03 - voice ]

Dec 15, 2009 18:37

I wonder why it is the people here hate us so much. You'd think they could be the least be grateful for something like saving their lives. [sigh] Didn't need a thanks but getting yelled at?

Anyway. How's everyone doing? Anyone have any clues yet about that second poem on the bulletin board?

lucy stillman, desmond miles, misa amane, spirit albarn, shibuya yuuri, cloud strife, yosuke hanamura, zack fair, byakuya kuchiki, !kaien shiba

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Comments 76

[Text] mirageof_deceit December 16 2009, 02:48:49 UTC
Something bad is going to happen. Maybe we'll all die.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 16 2009, 03:00:43 UTC
...Well, I was going for something more specific than "something bad". It's uh, kinda doubtful it could mean anything good.


[Text] mirageof_deceit December 16 2009, 03:02:56 UTC
Want specific? Wait outside and see. Camping in the ruins isn't so bad.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 16 2009, 03:06:21 UTC
...Somehow I don't think that'd be a good idea.


[Voice] xnoble_reasonx December 16 2009, 02:52:33 UTC
When it comes to duty, it isn't the place of a Shinigami to be concerned with ungrateful behavior.

Regardless of what the message means, be sure you've prepared yourself.


[Voice] heartbetween December 16 2009, 04:06:46 UTC
Yeah, I guess, but...


When we're protecting humans from hollows, it's different because they can't see us. But these people...I don't know--I didn't expect them to like us, but this is a bit much.

Yeah, I'll be ready. You be careful too, Byakuya. [he almost winces as soon as he's said it because he's almost certain Byakuya wil take it the wrong way.]

Did you manage to find a job yet or are you still looking?


[Voice] xnoble_reasonx December 16 2009, 04:25:27 UTC
Then don't save them. If you are looking for words of comfort, I have none to offer. They will learn their place before long.

[How terribly foolish Shiba can be.]

Don't insult me.

... Shiba, do you intend to use my first name on a regular basis?

[He stops.]

... not as of yet.


[Voice] heartbetween December 17 2009, 08:32:23 UTC
You know I can't do that. [pause] Neither could you.

[Have a sigh here, deep and long-suffering.] It wasn't meant to be an insult, damn it.

You tend to say that to people you care about. Would you stop with the "I care about no one" act already? It's getting old.

[and then, a grin.] How about this? I'll stop using your first name when you start using mine.

...Have you even really looked? I mean, honestly, truly given possible jobs a chance before turning them down?


voice; mnemotechnics December 16 2009, 02:52:50 UTC
They're just jackasses.

And, uh, nothing at all. Just. Something about a blackout, or whatever?


[ voice ] heartbetween December 16 2009, 04:10:05 UTC
[sigh] I guess they could have treated me worse, and I probably could have had more trouble with the locals since I've been here, but I just...didn't expect that.

It's so cryptic--I wish I could make any sense of it. Never been good with riddles.

How have you been doing, Michael? It's been a while.


[ voice ] mnemotechnics December 16 2009, 04:35:08 UTC
People are jackasses all the time, where I come from. It just seems a little more concentrated, here.

Yeah, I'm kind of shit with riddles myself...

I've been doing -- good? I guess. How're you?


[ voice ] heartbetween December 17 2009, 08:28:02 UTC
Aww, 'm sorry to hear that, Michael!

I'm doing okay--got a job, working on getting enough money to pay rent when the free month's over, that sorta newcomer thing. Helping someone from my world find a job too, or trying to.

You find any work yet?


animuscode December 16 2009, 03:35:50 UTC
I think it's understandable. Xenophobia is a typical occurrence when two cultures clash. Think how they must feel with so many different ones here.

It's going to get dark, and we'd better be ready for whatever happens.


[ voice ] heartbetween December 16 2009, 04:02:44 UTC
I understand that, but there's no reason to treat us like we're evil. Especially when we help them out.

[sigh] You're one of the newer ones, right? Have you been doing okay?

Oh, and I don't think I caught your name.


[ voice ] animuscode December 16 2009, 04:07:36 UTC
I think that means we should focus on gaining their trust first.

That's right. I'm doing just fine, thanks. You?

I'm Lucy. And you're...?


[ voice ] heartbetween December 16 2009, 04:15:15 UTC
That's true. But I'm not sure how we can go about it when they don't even seem willing to give us a chance...

I've been doing pretty well. Got a job in Nagi's ramen shop about a week back, signed up for the patrol, that kinda thing.

Kaien. Kaien Shiba. Nice to meet you, Lucy.


[voice] a_royal_flush December 16 2009, 04:14:23 UTC
Have you tried talking to them to find out why?

Aaaa I've never really been any good at poems and riddles, sorry!


[voice] heartbetween December 16 2009, 20:28:29 UTC
Never directly asked them, no. But they're not really all too approachable, anyway. Seem to bristle whenever we try to talk to them.

Ahah, no worries. We'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. Are you new? Don't think we've met.


[voice] a_royal_flush December 17 2009, 05:41:41 UTC
Hmm maybe that's all they needs is for someone to try approaching them? You never know unless you try, right?

Yeah, how did you guess I was? I'm Yuuri, Shibuya Yuuri.


[voice] heartbetween December 17 2009, 08:25:10 UTC
Not sure how much more you can do to approach a completely random stranger than catch them while they're falling off a building, you know?

I just hadn't talked to you before, so I figured. Guess it's a good thing I wasn't wrong--I'm fairly new too. Only about two weeks so far.

Kaien Shiba. Nice to meet you, Yuuri!


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