[broadcast mind]

Feb 21, 2011 17:37

Ten claws on your fingertips, one for every finger, inhuman and sharp. They're blood covered. It's not your blood. It's hers.

cut for blood & Sakura-death )

-event: broadcast mind, !naruto uzumaki, lucian, riza hawkeye, sasori

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Comments 27

[voice | private] firebornfidelis February 21 2011, 18:04:37 UTC

[If she feels any fear watching this, it doesn't show in her voice.]

Are you all right? Is something going on?


[voice | private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 18:20:37 UTC
[The response comes several hours later.] I knew I should've tossed that thing out.

I'm fine, Riza. It's just a dream.


[voice | private] firebornfidelis February 21 2011, 18:40:31 UTC
I know it's a dream. But I still wanted to know if you're really all right.


[voice | private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 18:46:27 UTC
I'm not about to lose control or anything. That's what counts.

You can forget you saw that, I'm fine.


[ voice ] lonestray February 21 2011, 21:01:57 UTC
[Scar nearly drops the Forge in shock, watching this.

That anger. He knows that anger. Intimately. A flash back to eight years ago, when everything was taken from him.

Wanting to kill and hurt and destroy....he knows it far too well. It's something he's never told Naruto about (been afraid to), but he feels the need to say something now.]

...It can be far too tempting a prospect, sometimes. [He's sure Naruto will know what he means.]


[ voice ] couragetodare February 21 2011, 21:20:09 UTC
[There's a long, long pause. No, he's not surprised that Scar might understand. There was always something there, half hidden.] Sometimes. [It's more than he should admit and something he'll never follow through on. He made a promise and he'll be damned if he breaks this one.]

A man once told me that love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred.


[ voice ] ...I meant to private this, ffff. Oh well. XD lonestray February 21 2011, 22:24:28 UTC
[Maybe he'll tell Naruto, some day, the truth of who "Scar" really is, where the name came from. He's not sure if he can do it now, and Naruto's moved somewhat off the subject. It makes it easier.

There's a pause of his own, and then a soft sound. Of understanding, maybe, or simply a mirthless huff of a laugh.]

That's an interesting way to look at it.

Though often enough, hatred need not even that much to fester.

[Difference can be enough. Difference, which leads to fear. Fear, which leads to anger and violence, and more fear. He's all too familiar with the cycle.]


[ voice | private ] fff /pretends it was private ALL ALONG >__> couragetodare February 22 2011, 01:23:17 UTC
Interesting or fucked up. He was right in a way. Love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred. Hatred breeds revenge. It's a circle. [He's quiet for a few moments. Thinking. He had been more angry to lose Sakura than losing Hinata. He can't deny the truth in that fact. He hates this place now.

He can't deny that either.] But love breeds other things too. People are just people, we act stupid sometimes, over stupid things. We hate sometimes, over stupid things.

People are just people. [Prone to human fallacy. His mantra is a tired one.]


[Video | Private] lightofvengence February 21 2011, 21:12:52 UTC
[So the kid gets things a lot better than Lucian thought. Doesn't change his mind in the slightest, but it makes him a little less annoyed by the preaching. The burning desire for revenge isn't what makes him respond, though.]

I'm obviously not going to lecture you, since that would be hypocritical and I hate people like that. I won't make you talk about this either if you don't want to. But I will make you an offer. You ever feel that kind of rage, or if that voice starts fucking around with your mind, you hunt me down and we'll fight till you feel better. Trust me, it'll help.

[At that he reaches up and pulls away his eye patch. If Naruto's expecting a scar or a missing eye he's dead wrong, because Lucian's left eye is uninjured and fully functional.

It's also bright crimson, plusing with an insane and bloodthirsty glow.]

You aren't the only one with a voice like that in your head.

((OOC: yeah, Lucian's left eye really is like that. The eye patch has a sigil inside it that keeps his power from going out of control and driving ( ... )


[Video | Private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 21:26:10 UTC
It was a dream. [He disregards some of that unfortunately, because it's not a voice he has in his head. Not exactly. It's a Kyuubi, and so the matter isn't always just about controlling himself. Unless this guy has a Sharingan he can't exactly help. Naruto doesn't know what that eye is, but it's not a Sharingan.

Still, that he offered is something of a surprise.] Can you fight? It's no good if you can't fight worth a damn.


[Video | Private] lightofvengence February 21 2011, 21:39:00 UTC
Doesn't make it any easier to think about.

[What Lucian has isn't exactly a voice either. It's all that Dark Matter embedded in his body, temping him with more power in exchange for what humanity he has left. If this kid giving in to whatever's inside him is even remotely like what'll happen if Lucian caves, then it's something he wants to stop at all costs.] Wouldn't have offered if I couldn't, kid.


[Video | Private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 21:46:09 UTC
Doesn't mean I'm about to crack either. [Dryly. If he didn't break when she died, then he won't now. He has his willpower and he has the Dismas. Having a place that nullifies the Kyuubi's chakra is all he needs for the most part. A haven.]

Then prove it, shorty. [Well, he's not sure how tall Lucian is, but he looks young. So. Shorty it is.]


slaythemoon February 22 2011, 02:12:51 UTC
[He knows what it is to have a voice in his head that wants to come out and lay waste to everything, and to have it come out (or want to come out) because of someone important.]

...you too, huh?


couragetodare February 22 2011, 02:20:10 UTC
Me too? [There's a lot in that dream for Naruto to pinpoint what Ichigo means, he sounds a little bemused, but not bothered by the statement.] What d'you mean?


slaythemoon February 22 2011, 02:58:22 UTC
The whole 'voice in your head' thing. It's not just you.

[Switching to private because he's able to talk more freely and without anybody overhearing.]]

I can't speak for anybody else, but I know what it's like to put up with it. I know what it's like to have it there all the time, and how hard it can be to stay in control when something happens and you just want to tear the world apart...


[Voice, private] eternalscorpion February 22 2011, 12:43:00 UTC
[I killed her once.

Sasori wonders if Naruto knows that, knows that he's the Sasori responsible.

But that isn't what he speaks of.]

Revenge is a pointless exercise. It doesn't change anything once you've achieved it.

[A bit of a pause, and then he speaks more quietly.]

Is its voice always present in your mind? The Kyuubi.


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