[broadcast mind]

Feb 21, 2011 17:37

Ten claws on your fingertips, one for every finger, inhuman and sharp. They're blood covered. It's not your blood. It's hers.

cut for blood & Sakura-death )

-event: broadcast mind, !naruto uzumaki, lucian, riza hawkeye, sasori

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[voice | private] firebornfidelis February 21 2011, 18:04:37 UTC

[If she feels any fear watching this, it doesn't show in her voice.]

Are you all right? Is something going on?


[voice | private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 18:20:37 UTC
[The response comes several hours later.] I knew I should've tossed that thing out.

I'm fine, Riza. It's just a dream.


[voice | private] firebornfidelis February 21 2011, 18:40:31 UTC
I know it's a dream. But I still wanted to know if you're really all right.


[voice | private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 18:46:27 UTC
I'm not about to lose control or anything. That's what counts.

You can forget you saw that, I'm fine.


[voice | private] firebornfidelis February 21 2011, 19:34:31 UTC
[It's pretty hard to forget seeing something like that but then it really isn't her place to pry.]

All right, then. But if you... need anything, you know where you can find me.


[voice | private] couragetodare February 21 2011, 19:38:42 UTC
Yeah, I know. [But he won't be going to anyone about this. Still-] Thanks, Riza.


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