8 >> {video}

Feb 18, 2011 23:11

{Click! and you're watching the excavation site from... quite high up.}

What are they doing down there?

After all the nonsense that's been going on this past week, this is what people are focusing energy on? They ought to be more concerned with other raging creatures roaming into the city on murderous rampages ( Read more... )

zack fair, rafaela, !malfatto, john, quatre raberba winner

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Comments 31

indebtedsoul February 19 2011, 05:41:52 UTC
We stumbled on what seems to be the remains of an old book collection.


malfattore February 19 2011, 05:47:51 UTC
And, what, you're simply taking them for yourselves? I've observed several people wandering away from the site with objects uncovered.

What have you found? Which book?


indebtedsoul February 19 2011, 06:10:02 UTC
I haven't. I have no use for unreadable books. I did not note their titles.

However, I am aware of what appeared to be a number of storybooks having been recovered.


malfattore February 19 2011, 06:40:01 UTC
Storybooks? Useless. And unreadable or not, they shouldn't be removing property that doesn't belong to them. Tch.

I wonder, though, whose collection this is. Has there been no indication yet of true ownership?


voice; theotokos February 19 2011, 16:29:01 UTC
[Lady may or may not be questioning as to why you're on a roof, but. Also, making a point to keep this entirely voice; you're oddly unnerving. It's definitely the mask.]

So people have short attention spans. This is nothing new.


voice; malfattore February 19 2011, 17:53:48 UTC
{No one understands the roof perching til they do it, really. Come on! Why deprive yourself of such a view?}

Mmm, I know. I suppose it's a blessing in disguise. For them.


voice; theotokos February 19 2011, 18:01:04 UTC
[When her leg heals, yes, she will be poking around up on one.]

So they can possibly pilfer away at books?


voice; malfattore February 19 2011, 18:17:44 UTC
{Hopefully not his. He'd likely shove her ass off.}

That's what I'm hearing, though apparently all content has been worn away.


voice; sandrocker February 19 2011, 17:08:21 UTC
[quatre is using the audio function for much of the same reason as lady! he doesn't want to be caught staring, either.]

The human brain has difficulty remembering pain, or - I believe that's what I read... [derp. what a shining example of memory.] But attacks on the city are normal. It's unfortunate, but there is only so much that can be done before one accepts it without reaction.

[this is quatre, rolling with what pieces of his memory come back and don't.]


voice; malfattore February 19 2011, 18:09:34 UTC
{REALLY NOW. There are worse faces out there than birdly ones. Come on.}

I wonder if it's a good thing or not to be so desensitized? As far as I know, people who perish here come back shortly after, albeit tainted in some way. What, then, will these people do to adapt when they're returned to their homes and forced to face life that ends and... remains over?


{Ramble ramble.}


voice; sandrocker February 19 2011, 19:33:34 UTC
[sorry, mal. YOURS IS CREEPY.]

If we return.


voice; malfattore February 20 2011, 02:31:59 UTC
{Would a whimsical clown face be better? Probably not.}

You have doubts? I'm merely waiting.


Voice i_love_squats February 19 2011, 19:43:35 UTC
Well, there's the Patrol and the Police Force if things get too hairy again. Besides, let them have something to change up the scenery; I mean, it can't hurt, right?


Voice malfattore February 20 2011, 02:24:37 UTC
I worry that people are so easily distracted.


Voice i_love_squats February 20 2011, 02:25:45 UTC
I'd rahter them focus on something positive rather than the negative, though.


Voice malfattore February 20 2011, 02:29:35 UTC
"Ignorance is bliss" isn't necessarily the greatest solution.

I suppose it does roll off the tongue rather well, though.


Voice chairyontop February 19 2011, 19:44:52 UTC
And this is all a prime example that humanity is full of damn idiots. Didn't you know that?


Voice malfattore February 20 2011, 02:27:47 UTC
I suppose what worries me more is that at some point we may have to depend on these idiots for aid.


Voice chairyontop February 20 2011, 02:30:12 UTC
Depend on them? Speak for yourself. There's only one idiot I depend on and he's not here.


Voice malfattore February 20 2011, 20:04:51 UTC
This is why I said "may". Never look a gift fool in the mouth.

{Especially when you can boot them into the fray, and haul ass outta there.}


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