6th Profile [ Video]

Jan 16, 2011 21:30

[There's the sounds of something fumbling and the Forge, which had first been pointing at a ceiling when it clicked on, is sent on a whirlwind of color and shapes (hope no one has motion sickness!) before it settles again, someone hissing out in pain as it does so.]

[And then there's a wide eyed Spencer Reid blinking at the screen, blood on the side of his face from a head wound above his one ear. He's also looking a little singed around the edges as well.]

Has anyone.... [Cough cough cough, let's try forcing that out again] ...has anyone seen.... Miss Summers?

[Because the last thing he remembers is being with her when she was trying a spell of some sort and then something happening and everything turning green but he can't remember more then that and he's trying his best not to freak out about it because he has an eidetic memory and he doesn't normally forget things like this.]

spike, balthier, sousuke aizen, !spencer reid, priscilla

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